I think my friend looks like Alyx. What do YOU think?
This does not look at all like Alyx.
Okay, okay, I fail…please don’t kill me or flame me to a crisp or anything…please…just a request for further posts in this thread…Maybe a moderator would be kind enough to close or delete it?
%100.0 no :awesome:
Not at all, not even a little bit. You can see in this picture who everyone in HL2 is modeled after.
Uhhh, have you played half life 2?
Yes, but obviously I’m blind. :3
your friend looks nothing like Alyx.
I personally don’t think Alyx and Jamil Mullen look that similar. except a bit in that pic of her with the long hair.
Nahhhh I don’t see it
Why are her eyes pitch black? She looks like a demon from Supernatural
She doesn’t looks like Alyx. Maybe upload other pictures.
This does NOT look somewhat like Alyx. xD
No does not look like alyx…
alyx looks uglier:retard:
NOTE:dont take this as an insult please…
I know what you want them for.
Very subtle, man! B)
No but the Barney model is dead on, so is Grigori but he wasn’t on that pic.
I would close this, but then there would not be a perfect example to others as to what should be a thread and what should not be a thread.
OR… if you create a thread, you must take responcibility for it. Even if everyone else are the ones that feck it up with useless crap rather than just stick with the intentions. Hrm… sorta like raising kids. You can put all your good will and intentions in them, but in the end they are the ones to turn on you and flip you the bird.
I need coffee.
OK so it’s 38 VS 0 now, I think we’re pretty sure she doesn’t looks like Alyx.
As of right now, 46
I like that philosophy, never thought about it. I admire that and will always consider it from now on. :3 (No, seriously…I like it.)