Playthrough on 1 HP?

Playing through the whole game without taking damage is exactly the same as playing through the whole game with 1hp…so just do the former.

Or you could change the values in the console so that one hit does 100hp damage.

I once ended up with 1hp in one section of Nova Prospekt and decided to keep going. Luckily, there was a crate of grenades a few minutes away so I was able to throw lots of them at the combine before they could shoot me. It was difficult and it took me ages. I’m not sure how anyone could do the whole game like that. That’s very impressive.

Too bad those were patched.

This is why I have 3 HL2 folders,

on Steam,
original 2004 nosteam
and anon beta leak.

I wanna see a walktrough video of play with 1hp/100hp damage hit or whatever, especially the part in Nova Prospekt where the combine swarm the first time. Sooo…vids or didn’t happen :smiley:

I’ve beaten Half-Life 1 with only 1 health point. It’s alot easier tho on that engine because you can kill many npc’s around a corner with the pistol and of course, the hivehand.

However, HL2 and EP1&2 would be fuckin hard.

Agreed, HL 1 and it’s expansions were not hard, HL 2 on the other hand… when I was making my way towards the Citadel, that was hard all right (the most annoying enemies were actually the medics)

As for videos, I don’t know what program should I use to have them record in an “uploadable size”… and to to, frankly, edit out the quickloads with…

bind k ent_remove

The Combine swarm in Nova Prospekt can, evidently, be avoided by prop surfing up to the second floor balcony and hiding in one of the rooms until Alyx reports that she’s almost there, then you can leave and there’s only one or two soldiers.

Well, as I said I don’t use console commands, or things like that.

Those three parts in Nova Prospekt, where we’ve to hold out, until Alyx arrives, or otherwise the portal charges ups are my favorite parts in the game.

  • Just dont leave behind the friendly turrets, and get some prop to barricade the entrances, than all you’ll have to do is lean back and drink lemonade.

Oh, well.

Yes, I can imagine that exploiters could do that. When I said it cannot be done, I was thinking about those who “play-as-intended”.

But of course, everyone to their own tastes.

I’m sure prop surfing only works on consoles… if im correctly thinking of what prop surfing is…

afaik the other guy who did this had to get a medkit for the bit where you are dropped off the crane. He then brought himself back down to 1hp after.

I never thought to block entrances off in those parts. Were there even enough props lying around to do it with? I suppose you could bring some from before. Last time I played that part, the second one, I did it without being damaged, so it is possible.

woah! i did not know that, thanks

There are enough crates and barrels to block off one path well enough that the guards will rarely get through it, just don’t stand so they can see you, you don’t want them shooting the crates. The way I typically do it, I just need to keep track of the three turrets that they give you for that encounter. I’ve never bothered bringing the two previous turrets with me (tbqh I’ve never thought of doing that :stuck_out_tongue: ) but they would make it much easier.

I’m actually replaying HL at the minute, i found by holding back while going down the pipe you never get enough speed up to hurt yourself on landing.

Regarding the main combine swarm, i always liked the trick of taking the turrents out of their booth’s then turning them around and putting them back in their booth’s making sure the player can enter one of of them with a turret either side.

That way the turrets protect your flanks and can’t fall over. You just need a revolver to pick the rest off.

I got home and checked my HL2 directory, found a lot of screenshots there from my 1hp quest…

Some parts were tricky…

Some parts were funny…

… and some parts were damn hard:

Meh, playing with out any damage increases or health increases on HL2 is boring. Regardless of if it’s 1HP or not.

I played Half-Life 2 with my modifications on hard it was one of the most toughest things I’ve done.

If you’re interested:
Create a custom configuration (.cfg) file with the below.
Note: everything here is on “medium” settings. Setting it to hard multiplies the damage done to you by 1.5 or 2. (default)

// // NPCs
sk_airboat_max_ammo “300”
sk_airboat_recharge_rate “30”

// Antlion
sk_antlion_air_attack_dmg “30”
sk_antlion_health “60”
sk_antlion_swipe_damage “15”
sk_antlion_jump_damage “15”

// Antlion Grub
sk_antliongrub_health “5”

// Antlion Guard
sk_antlionguard_health “1200”
sk_antlionguard_dmg_charge “300”
sk_antlionguard_dmg_shove “200”

// Barnacle
sk_barnacle_health “80”

// Barney
sk_barney_health “125”

// Bullseye
sk_bullseye_health “175”

// Citizen
sk_citizen_health “100”
sk_citizen_heal_ally “25”
sk_citizen_heal_player “25”
sk_citizen_heal_player_delay “20”
sk_citizen_heal_ally_delay “20”

// Combine APC
sk_apc_health “1400”
sk_apc_missile_damage “100”

// Combine Dropship
sk_npc_dmg_dropship “5”

// Combine Guard
sk_combine_guard_health “180”
sk_combine_guard_kick “70”

// Combine Gunship
sk_gunship_burst_size “15”
sk_gunship_health_increments “12”
sk_npc_dmg_gunship “20”
sk_npc_dmg_gunship_to_plr “20”

// Combine Helicopter
sk_npc_dmg_helicopter “10”
sk_npc_dmg_helicopter_to_plr “10”
sk_helicopter_firingcone “1.0”
sk_helicopter_grenadedamage “230”
sk_helicopter_grenaderadius “275”
sk_helicopter_grenadeforce “55000”
sk_helicopter_health “12000”

// Combine Soldier
sk_combine_s_health “140”
sk_combine_s_kick “40”

// Fast Headcrab
sk_headcrab_fast_health “25”

// Headcrab
sk_headcrab_health “30”
sk_headcrab_melee_dmg “10”

sk_ichthyosaur_health “300”
sk_ichthyosaur_melee_dmg “150”

// Manhack
sk_manhack_health “50”
sk_manhack_melee_dmg “40”

// Metropolice
sk_metropolice_health “125”
sk_metropolice_simple_health “125”
sk_metropolice_stitch_reaction “1.0”
sk_metropolice_stitch_tight_hitcount “2”
sk_metropolice_stitch_at_hitcount “1”
sk_metropolice_stitch_behind_hitcount “3”
sk_metropolice_stitch_along_hitcount “2”

// Poison Headcrab
sk_headcrab_poison_health “60”

// Poison Zombie
sk_zombie_poison_health “250”
sk_zombie_poison_dmg_spit “20”

// Rollermine
sk_rollermine_shock “45”
sk_rollermine_stun_delay “3”
sk_rollermine_vehicle_intercept “1”

// Scanner (City)
sk_scanner_health “80”
sk_scanner_dmg_dive “100”

// Stalker
sk_stalker_health “80”
sk_stalker_melee_dmg “25”

// Strider
sk_strider_health “350”
sk_strider_num_missiles1 “11”
sk_strider_num_missiles2 “16”
sk_strider_num_missiles3 “20”

// Vortigaunt
sk_vortigaunt_health “110”
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_claw “30”
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_rake “25”
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_zap “25”
sk_vortigaunt_armor_charge “50”

// Zombie
sk_zombie_health “80”
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash “25”
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash “50”

// // Weapons

// Alyx Gun
sk_plr_dmg_alyxgun “8”
sk_npc_dmg_alyxgun “8”
sk_max_alyxgun “150”

// AR2
sk_plr_dmg_ar2 “11”
sk_npc_dmg_ar2 “11”
sk_max_ar2 “90”
sk_max_ar2_altfire “3”

// Crossbow
sk_plr_dmg_crossbow “100”
sk_npc_dmg_crossbow “100”
sk_max_crossbow “10”

// Crowbar
sk_plr_dmg_crowbar “40”
sk_npc_dmg_crowbar “40”

// Gauss
sk_plr_dmg_gauss “30”

// Grenade
sk_plr_dmg_grenade “150”
sk_npc_dmg_grenade “150”
sk_max_grenade “5”

// Grenade (Frag)
sk_plr_dmg_fraggrenade “125”
sk_npc_dmg_fraggrenade “125”
sk_fraggrenade_radius “250”

// Grenade (Simpsons)
sk_dmg_homer_grenade “100”
sk_homer_grenade_radius “100”

// 357 (Magnum)
sk_plr_dmg_357 “75”
sk_npc_dmg_357 “75”
sk_max_357 “18”

// Mortar Synth Projectile (Artillery)
sk_dmg_energy_grenade “100”
sk_energy_grenade_radius “300”

// Pistol
sk_plr_dmg_pistol “9”
sk_npc_dmg_pistol “9”
sk_max_pistol “90”

// RPG
sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round “100”
sk_npc_dmg_rpg_round “100”
sk_max_rpg_round “3”

// SMG1
sk_plr_dmg_smg1 “5”
sk_npc_dmg_smg1 “5”
sk_max_smg1 “225”

// SMG1 Grenade (Alt Fire)
sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade “100”
sk_npc_dmg_smg1_grenade “100”
sk_max_smg1_grenade “3”
sk_smg1_grenade_radius “250”

// Buckshot (Shotgun)
sk_plr_dmg_buckshot “9”
sk_npc_dmg_buckshot “9”
sk_max_buckshot “30”

// Satchel (SLAM)
sk_plr_dmg_satchel “150”
sk_npc_dmg_satchel “150”
sk_satchel_radius “150”

// Tripmine (SLAM)
sk_plr_dmg_tripmine “150”
sk_npc_dmg_tripmine “150”
sk_tripmine_radius “200”

// Sniper (Used by NPC)
sk_plr_dmg_sniper_round “100”
sk_npc_dmg_sniper_round “100”
sk_max_sniper_round “30”
sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_plr “100”
sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_npc “100”

// Stunstick
sk_plr_dmg_stunstick “40”
sk_npc_dmg_stunstick “40”

// // Vehicle Damage

// Airboat
sk_plr_dmg_airboat “10”
sk_npc_dmg_airboat “10”

// Jeep
sk_jeep_gauss_damage “30”

// // Other

// Combine Balls
sk_combineball_seek_angle “15”
sk_combineball_guidefactor “1.0”
sk_combineball_seek_kill “1.0”
sk_npc_dmg_combineball “300”

// Allies
sk_ally_regen_time “0.2”

// Player Damage Adjusters
sk_player_head “3”
sk_player_chest “1”
sk_player_stomach “1”
sk_player_arm “1”
sk_player_leg “1”

// NPC Damage Adjusters
sk_npc_head “3”
sk_npc_chest “1”
sk_npc_stomach “1”
sk_npc_arm “1”
sk_npc_leg “1”

sk_suitcharger “75”
sk_suitcharger_citadel “500”
sk_suitcharger_citadel_maxarmor “200”
sk_battery “15”
sk_healthcharger “50”
sk_healthkit “25”
sk_healthvial “15”[/code]

Then add this to your “autoexec.cfg” to force it to load automatically every level. (step two doesn’t need to be done in Episode 1 or 2)

alias sk_max_gauss_round "exec (name of skill config)" replace what's in the parenthesis with the name of your config. Keep the quotes.

Draw back is that the Fast Zombie, poison zombie headcrab throwing damage, and the Strider damage(s) are hard coded. You’d have to access the dlls for the game itself to modify them.

bind l “sv_cheats 1; impulse 203; sv_cheats 0”

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.