Half-Life 3 is in development

I really don’t foresee any solid HL3 news until after the current next gen console stuff has settled and stuff. Then I expect, as the gaming market goes into a comfy buzzing like normal, Gabe is gonna come on TV or what not and say " oh HL3 will release in a few months lulz"

Then he’ll watch us all go :awesome: while he delays it a few more months, releases it, blows our minds like it’s 1998-99, and BOOM. Half-Life ends.

That cake… it’s a lie.

As much as I hate to say it… I hope the next one is the last. I don’t think I could stand waiting like this again… and the alternative (it becoming as frequent as Halo) is even worse…

Why are there only two options? Either every <2 years or >10 years, that’s leaving a long gap of disregarded release potential.

HL3 will definitely not be the last, where are people getting that from?
I recall Gabe saying that EP3 is the end of current saga, not the whole series. And HL3 is most probably just EP3 remade on Source 2.

There’s plenty of room for spin-offs. I want my Opposing Force 2 guyz, the real one.

Frankly with the time that’s passed and the amount that’s surely changed in Valve, I don’t think you can say HL3 will or won’t be the last. It’s up in the air. If I were to guess it won’t be the last, but I really have no solid evidence of that, it’s just a guess.

From what I’ve read, he just saw some concept art. And there’s a long way between concept art and a finished, polished game fit for release. So yeah, Half-Life 3 is in development. It has been for a long while now. And I don’t see how that’s news.

Well, GabeN said they switched to episodic releases to lower the time between release dates. Apparently that didn’t work out. With the facts we know, they may even be developing both Episode 3 and Half-Life 3 at the same time. They may even be developing Half-Life 4. Anything’s possible with Valve.

I have heard that HL3 will represent the end of the story of Gordon Freeman. Whether the universe itself is over with HL3 remains to be seen.

do you have a quote?

Here’s something.

“We haven’t announced anything specific, but Half-Life won’t end at Episode Three – hang on to your crowbars!”

I’m asking specifically for a quote about Gordon’s story/arc ending.

I don’t. It’s only what I’ve heard.

I swear to GOD if Gordon dies or something really fucking lame that leaves me going WTF, I will SERIOUSLY never stop raging. I’ve waited too long for a continuation or a finish to what’s already happened, and some answers, to have the main character from one of my top 3 favorite series just die or be otherwise rendered unable to be the main character.

Ending it with a nice wrap up is ok. Killing him off and leaving another cliffhanger is just gonna have me putting a bullet through my computer while steam is running onscreen.

Or maybe it just reaches the end of what he can do himself?

I need to know
A- what happens now that Eli is dead
B- what the whole Borealis deal is
C- who’s side is Gman on really, what is he, and why did he cause all of this
D- is Breen ACTUALLY dead
E- the origin of the combine

I’d love for HL3 or episode 3 or whatever else to just answer most, if not all, of those. Even if it leaves room for more games, that’s fine. Well, it’s fine if we don’t hafta wait till 2030 for another Half Life game after the next one.

You’re probably never getting C. IIRC Valve has stated that G-man is more of a symbolic character than anything else, designed to direct the player in manners the developer wants. If anything, G-man is Valve. I wouldn’t expect any in-universe backstory given that context. Can’t remember the source to that though, maybe someone else knows it or maybe I’m just full of shit.

As for D, I really see no reason to think he isn’t dead. He was never an arch villain, just a pawn really. It wouldn’t make a good story to do the ah-ha he’s not dead! thing for a pawn who they pretty definitively killed off. Not to mention, IMO, the ah-ha he’s not dead thing is USUALLY just a badly written gimmick.

I believe it was hinted at in the game that he didn’t die. I may be wrong there, it’s been awhile since I’ve played the games.

I think he was told by the Advisors that he’d be put in a “host body” (whatever that is) in order to survive the evacuation of the Citadel. Whether he made it out alive or not is unknown. I wouldn’t mind seeing him come back to conclude his part of the story, but only incidentally, not making him central to the plot. With Robert Culp gone though, I don’t know how they’d do a new meeting with him…unless they change his character in some way that would justify giving him a new voice or reusing clips of existing dialogue.

I can do a decent Breen voice. Valve, you reading this?

well if his own body is destroyed (along with his vocal chords I’m guessing), then the voice acting isn’t really an issue I imagine

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