Half-Life 3 is in development

Half-Life 3 is in development, says Counter-Strike co-creator. :slight_smile:

Found this article on Neowin today:

Minh ‘Gooseman’ Le is the co-creator of the phenomenally popular Half-Life mod Counter-Strike, and a former employee of Valve. In a recent interview by goRGNtv on Twitch, Le claimed that he has seen evidence that Valve is indeed working on a new sequel.

When asked about Half-Life 3, Le joked that there was “a laser sight at [his] head right now”, adding: “I don’t know if I can talk about that to be honest… but I think it’s kind of public knowledge, that people know that it is being worked on, and so if I were to say that, yeah, I’ve seen some images, like some concept art of it, that wouldn’t be big news to be honest.”

Full story here:


It’s in development since 2006 (counting EP3) so I don’t see how is that news.

So he saw some concept art. I saw some concept art a long time ago. Welcome to 2008.

“that wouldn’t be big news to be honest.”

The Earth rotates around the sun.

I smell an award for the greatest scientific contribution of all times.

My boss told me to cover this story for the tech site I’m running and I had to try hard to convince him that this was non-news.

Don’t think he’ll care, honestly. Having Half-Life 3 in an article title will instantly generate clicks, and with clicks come money.

I read clicks as dicks

when in doubt, CTRL + mouse wheel up

He actually did care (I managed to convince him).

Interesting, he also mentions L4D3 in the article. I’m really really skeptical of a third L4D title, I just don’t see where they could take the series other than either
A) remaining relatively true to the series and thus being incredibly stale
B) completely reinventing the series to freshen it up and make it really cool, but to the point where it’s no longer L4D, but a brand new mislabeled IP
Hopefully they pick option B, seems like a good strategy a number of publishers/developers have taken. You maintain brand recognition to pick up some easy sales, but at the same time innovate the series to keep people coming back.

I wish we could at-least get some screens or something… :confused:

Considering the cliffhanger we’ve been left on, and the mountainous piles of money everyone at Valve is currently rolling in, would it really be in any way surprising, whether we had proof or not? I mean, it’s pretty friggin’ obvious.

Until “Half-Life 3” is listed on Steam with a release date, I’ll withhold the celebration cake.

Yeah, basically. Everyone’s seen some concept art of it. The guy may work on Counter-Strike, but he doesn’t work on HL3, and he doesn’t even sound totally sure of what he’s seen, anyway. Far as I’m concerned, he’s just as unofficial as anyone else.

And, remember, for those that are working on HL3 (if they are, which I’m like 99% certain of), they won’t be able to reveal anything whatsoever do to NDAs. Only when Valve makes it official will I be able to trust any news about the games.

Regardless, I need to know what happens after the events of Episode 2! Why, Gabe?! WHYYYYYY?! :’(

An improved director could be cool, as well as larger levels with more variety. And better and more dynamic gibbing/gore. And better support for community made levels of course, though I don’t know how L4D2 handles that.

l4d2 handles custom content wolderfully!

There’s room for on-the-fly weapon customization in the vein of the laser sights in l4d2, but taken way further.

Would any of that justify a full priced sequel? I mean maybe an L4D2 Sauce 2 port with some of those added features for 30 bucks. But I really don’t see the potential for a full blown sequel here.

But I trust Valve a lot due to their track record, so I’m semi-expecting them to pull something really cool out of their asses that will make L4D3 really interesting, maybe even while remaining true to the series.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.