Gabe teases hint at episode 3

Pretty sure those are all band names. That is all.

but then…

But who can tell what’s real anymore?

Latley they have been so much leaks and pic of half life 3 or episode three that something must be going up:


Except that there haven’t been any leaks or pics of HL(Ep)3?

The only possibly legit thing that has been ‘released’ is a few emails pointing towards CES in January. And that doesn’t mean it IS legit. Other than that, most of the things you’re thinking of are proven fake.

Waaaait! now i know, BLACK Mesa is HL 3 :open_mouth:

Surprise, Gordon found a time machine!

Yup, and when he gets on the Borealis, he’ll have to navigate the area while not looking at the other selves present. Because, my science team says that will wipe out time. Completely. So hopefully Gordon lets that handsome devil go about his business.

Wipe it out completely… forwards and backwards…

Gabe is a dickhead for making us wait and being a shady snake about it in general.


Valve has no current games at the top rank in any genre.
Crysis 1/2 Fallout 3/NV now Skyrim/ and MW2/3 Battlefield 3(online and single player) all beat the shit out of any fps valve has ever made. If you disagree, you’re simply wrong and i’m sorry.

L4D is a bad game most professional gamers agree 100% its not even close to a solid competitive game, its a fun stoner game for killing zombies and if you want that… Dead Island is much much better.

Portal 1 and 2 are fun, but also shallow due to the fact that you can beat them in 4 to 6 hours easily AND seeing as they are so linear replay value is about 0%.

So what does Valve do? Currently the most important thing Valve has done over the last few years is have STEAM boom into the best online store around, which is fantastic… but then again that is not making great games that is just selling me great games made by other companies.

If you look at the complete list of every project Valve has worked on over the last 5 years… and compare it to ANY OTHER COMPANY they fail. EVERY game they’ve made based on the source engine should not count 100% as a new game. Also most of these games are repeats of older games, DOD:Source, CS:Source even TF:2 which was fantastic before they ruined it with all of the weapons and silly hats is just a LIGHT arena based FPS. When I say repeats of OLDER games that means… BESIDES DEVELOPING IT USING THE NEW ENGINE they do NOT NEED TO THINK ABOUT ANYTHING… NO MENTAL PLANNING… SAME MAPS… NEW GRAPHICS SAME GUNS NEW GRAPHICS… NO NEW CHARACTERS NO NEW ANYTHING…

Now with saying LIGHT, let me explain. MOST of the games Valve makes are LIGHT, as in not taking much of a toll on computers to run and also being LIGHT in development. They tend to be SHORTER and MORE LINEAR. Half Life 2 COMBINED with its Episodes is probably only 60% of fallout 3 or NV and probably only 30% of Skyrim.

Which leads me to ask… Valve… you make linear light fps games based off of the same engine you’ve been using since 2004 just constantly updated (obviously)… atleast hurry up… whats taking so long? I mean Fallouts/ Skyrim/ and RPG’s like Mass Effect and Dragon Age are all games that are SHIT TONS longer and heavier than anything you’ve made…and those are being made FASTER than valve makes ANYTHING. so why are you taking so long to make… ANYTHING ELSE. I’m not even talking about HL3… ANYTHING make ANYTHING…

Valve does not have enough money to quickly develop amazing games? WRONG they have shitloads of money and should be able to develop as quickly as Activation/EA games/Bio… but they don’t… why?

I know someone is thinking… OH its DOTA2 they have been working so hard on its going to be so good and blah blah… WRONG… DOTA2 is GOING TO BE A MOBA… MOBAS are as LIGHT AS THEY COME… the only time consuming process is making sure you make balanced choices when creating champions and gear. the actual development of the game should be something a shitty no name company can do… WAIT… Riot games already WoW’d the Moba genre with League of Legends… so whats up Valve… can you even compete with LoL? not so sure.

So why do they take so long… HERE is the point the HUGE point im making that should be understood all around…

NO MATTER how GOOD or AMAZING or ‘GROUND BREAKING’ the HL3 engine will be or how great of a single player game its going to be… THERE IS NO WAY it is going to be worth the wait we’ve already had to sit through… I mean like i said its not a cure for cancer or aids its a PROBABLY VERY LINEAR… VERY SHORT (8 hours tops ) FPS game with a STORYLINE THEY HAVE BEEN COOKING UP for 6 years. I’m going to enjoy it, but after my 8 hour play time it’s going to get uninstalled and probably NEVER played again.

So why they are taking so long and being so shady?

because they don’t give a fuck. They are LOST. They lost the race… they are no in 1st they can’t come back… there is a photo of Gabe playing WoW… and honestly that probably says alot more than you would think… He is RICHER than he ever could of imagined and probably does not even LEAD valve as effectively as he should. Hence LONG WAITS and UNNECESSARILY SHADY dealings about something that is almost 100% NOT going to be ground breaking in any way.

so if HL3 is going to be just anything linear single player game with a very short play time on a new engine… and DOTA 2 is just a moba… its JUST a moba… ITS JUST A MOBA… then what are they working on? WHAT ARE THEY DOING? AND WHY ARE THEY SO SHADY ABOUT THINGS THAT LOGICALLY SPEAKING ARE NOT EVEN THAT EXCITING?

HL has a HUGE fanbase… but in all seriousness… Valve missed their window and once that HL fanbase dies they die and will become the OWNERS of an ONLINE market that SELLS OTHER COMPANIES GAMES because every other company has already surpassed them by being polite and accurate with their release dates and upfront about what they are working on and MAKE BETTER GAMES.

Sorry for the rant but if you understand what I’m saying… i mean its not a lie its not some bullshit its extremely disappointing facts about Valve and their clear lack of giving a fact about gaming or were it is going and sadly they are left in the dust…

IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE ME… when HL3 comes out… enjoy your 8 hour playtime and then you will realize… WOW this ENGINE is JUST ANOTHER FPS ENGINE… bodies fall in a realistic way… it looks good… it feel smooth. THANKS already been perfected… and since they have nothing else besides a linear single player with CS:GO OMG ANOTHER CS… NAHHHH and no other ground breaking games coming out… THEY LOSE.

MASS Effect 3 WINS
MW2/Blackops/3 WINS

and any other PC GAMER COVER games… coming out within the next year are PROBABLY going to be better than HL3.

so PZ

You’re simply wrong and i’m sorry.

Do you seriously think Valve cares if their games are ranked above other FPS games?

Also this^

Did he just register an account just to write a rant about one of the greatest and most respected game development studios on the planet?


“I play games. Here’s my card.”

You lost me at the comment about the type of cranium that Mr. Newell possesses and decided that your post was TL/DR. I did however skim it and allow me to point out a few things.

  • Enough with the caps lock. It’s just not cool. Along with your composition and structure, it makes you look like a belligerent ass.
  • Smileys in the middle of words makes you look childish.
  • You blast Valve and Half Life in one sentence, only to profess your love for Half Life in the next one. How about a little consistency?
  • You do not have facts.You have personal anecdotes. If you want to make claims, cite your sources.
  • You can’t compare hardly any of these games with Half Life. Compare FPS to FPS, Sim to Sim and RTS to RTS. Don’t mix your comparisons because they mean nothing.
  • Half Life 1&2 take well over 20+ hours each to complete. That is not light. I would point out that some of those other “long games” are only long because you are stuck grinding skills most of the time, but it is as I said, an irrelevant comparison.
  • Some of the games you cited I find laughable because they are the same old “hard core” combat games that keep getting recycled over and over again. It has become bad enough now that they might as well brand them with the year that they came out like sports games. Most of us want a new game with a new story, not the same thing regurgitated over and over.
  • HL3 will be on another FPS engine because it is an FPS. I certainly hope that it wouldn’t be built on another engine, that would be stupid and break it.
  • You list several games as “winning.” OK, fine. They are surely excellent as they have solid fan bases and (most) game play examples I have seen look good. However, citing a game that hasn’t released yet makes you look foolish.
  • Skyrim? Really? Nearly all of the game play I have seen has been horrifyingly buggy. How a nearly crippled bug laden horror show “wins” is beyond me.

All and all, you have made yourself sound like you are 12. Are you just mad that you can’t play mods on your Xbox? Or did you get it taken away due to bad grades?

If you come across like a child, I will talk to you like one.

Valve bit off more than they could chew with the Steam delivery platform. It turned out to be so successful that the requirements to keep it running sucked the HL dev team dry. While that does frustrate me, I would rather it be late than it get rushed out the door and get released broken. I would also rather Valve remain silent than blow past announced dates and have to repeatedly push them back.

Not a single title you cited can hold a candle to the Half Life story line. I eagerly await the next release, weather it is HL2:Ep3 or HL3. It will be released when it is ready and not a moment sooner.

And that, right there.
Is an internet bitchslap.

In the meantime, fuck off forthegz, your clueless, senseless, illogical, mad rant does nothing more then help bring out who you really are: A pissed off 12 year-old with anger issues and a sub-par education.

Good bye.

Aahahahahahah, ahahahahahahahah[/SIZE], ahahaahahahaha…[/SIZE]

ahhhhhhhhh… [/SIZE]

oh my…

tl;dr faggot.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.