I don’t hate Alyx, I’m just sure you will never play as her in an official Valve game.
I personally hope not. It would most likely mean that Gordon Freeman would have to talk. :fffuuu:
Fair enough.
In the past before Episode one release, there is also a rumor you could play as Alyx, but now, fan still want to play as Alyx?
Why does everyone seem to think Blue Shift and Opposing Force even are part of the HL story at all? I thought that they were made by different devs and considered not part of the official HL franchise.
It is and isn’t.
It is until it isn’t, bscly.
I think the best thing for EVERYONE right now would be to change back to the main subject…
Other way around, if someone makes fan-fiction of HL it isn’t part of the story until the creator acknowledges it as part of his/her story.
True, but Gearbox is a bit more than just a group of fans though. Also they were published games which further puts them into that grey area.
Yeah, they didn’t exactly spring out of nowhere and assume the half life title without valve’s knowledge. I remember before HL2, when most people i talked to considered them both part of the half life story.
I think one of the devs at Valve said something about them being considered cannon until the story contradicts it.
which is why i said it is until it isn’t. Like your heterosexuality.
I’m sure a similar thing is happening at Valve- not that they have or had a light workforce dedicated to Episode 3 at any moment, but… As the DLC stuff for TF2 and L4D winds down more resources are being dedicated to Episode 3, and more resources are already being dedicated (Adam Foster of Minerva and who knows how many other talented fresh hires, the Portal team…) Though DLC is being worked on I seriously doubt the former Turtle Rock studio team will make another L4D (as some in this thread suggests).
Alot of manpower has gone into and will go into the finale we are all waiting for.[/align]
According to Valve, Half-Life 2: Episode 3 will be released at about 2011. I personally think it’s because they’re improving on the engine, especially the shitty textures.
But, if I know Valve, it’s gonna be delayed until 2012. Hopefully before the world ends
[COLOR=’#212121’]This is a rickroll – it had to be done. You know it was the perfect time, lol.
It’ll be released before the world ends, but the world will end because of its awesome.
(and that’s not a typo at the end)
I suddenly want an ICE-E
Random post is beautiful.