I excuse Hargreeve’s voice in Crysis 2 because of what he is, but I have been pretty vocal “hurr” about how Crysis 1, 2, and Crytek games in general has had some of the worst fucking voice acting in any AAA title. I’m especially disappointed in Kevin Fly–eh, Nathan Gould’s voice. It fits the part so damn well, but he just never delivers a single line appropriately. I’m pretty sure it’s all because of shitty direction. In fact, that would explain it given Crytek’s VO track record.
My personal favorite has got to be “My chute’s gone… my. damn chute is gone… I’ve got no main, no reserve…”
Only well voiced character imo is psycho because he’s so over the top and counterbalances everyone else’s dryness. Too bad he was written out.
It’s alright for 20 bucks. Eh, some good mods are on their way (sapience), so I’d go for it.