Oh man you don’t even know
Wanna hear some hardcore inflammatory shit?
I bought Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat pretty much at the same time, and I’m wet for Mortal Kombat but I think Portal 2 fell short of my expectations.
It wasn’t a flop by any means but it’s a disappointment; not enough is fundamentally different to me aside from the actual words being spoken by the characters, and some neat little side-dishes that make the whole meal a bit better. I won’t even get into the issue of DLC i know that’s a retarded discussion I just expected a bit more.
Mortal Kombat on the other hand disappointed my expectations as well, it turned out to be an incredibly tight and stable fighting game, and ALLOT of fun. I’m playing it right now, and when PSN comes the fuck back I’m going to be playing it allot more.
Fair and balanced, I will play what in my mind is the better game. I can tell you right now, I’m gonna be playing MK in 5 months, co-op isn’t an instant ‘get your money’s worth’ ticket when the puzzles stay the same. Fuck this whole PC vs Console’s business anyway, I got all the consoles and a game-ready computer; no part of me needs to argue about which one I think is best dammit. I can tell you the Wii already is the worst by far, so that ends the debate for me.
I’m taking this thread as personal disappointments, and though I can’t say I’ve had the displeasure of playing Dragon Age II I’m going to call it out for facilitating allot of current-gens most prominent bad habits, if you don’t mind me being a total sheep here.
So that’s a bunch of games so far.
Little Big Planet 2; haven’t played it, don’t care to.
Dead Space 2; If you’re going to be gory, keep it a bit cheesy or else you’re just gonna wind up having a pretension to being mature and that just tears down everything.
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3; allot of folk in the fighting community are going nuts for this game, personally I think it’s boring as shit to watch and not nearly as methodical or tactile, or really entertaining as SSFIV or the new MK; plus, I hate looping combos and the useless strobe effects and bright flashing lights everywhere. I’m going to be wait for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade edition.
Killzone 3: Played it at CES, was good, not that good.
Crysis 2: Another game played at CES, got to talk to one of the crytek developers- swore I’d buy it, money didn’t come together; would give it a try.
Bulletstorm - Resounding ‘eh’
and I already gave my thoughts on Portal 2 and MK. This looks to be a good year so far- next up for me: LA Noire.
EDIT: Also, fuck anyone who gets off-track with their super serious business. I’m here to talk about games, and I’m gonna do just that.