- Never ask “Oooh, What’s in HEERE?”
- Black Forest cake can be garnished with fish shaped solid waste, sediment shaped sediment, and MUST contain an entry called ‘how to kill someone with your bare hands’
- There IS a such thing as a cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb.
- Get ready to fling yourself. Fling in to space.
26.Its FanBase can conjure up these crappy threads.
[COLOR=‘Black’]C’mon,This was going to happen anyway.
- Lethal security/sentry turrets don’t really want to kill you
- Anyone who didn’t play portal due to the complexity would die if they played hexen 2.
- Adrian Shepherd can communicate from stasis with a keyboard
- Lethal turret’s feelings can be hurt.
God, I hate you so much. Do you people not realize that was probably the least funny thing in the whole damn game?
QFT, good sir.
22 Epic Fail
We’ll see about that…
- If a strange cube with a hearts drawn on its sides starts talking to you just ignore him.
- Bullets, acid water and compressors hurt, still, falling from incredibly high altitudes doesn’t have any effect on you.
- We need Portal 2 to make this list longer
NO! This thread is an epic fail! is actually a plagiarism of the thread “100 things HL taught us” is has no sense Portal is a part of HL universe
- that I’m never, ever, ever to disengage myself from this rail, or I’ll DIE.
- That I’m never, ever, ever to turn this light on, or I’ll DIE
- If u have a huge room created for the sole purpose of containing a robot with borderline ADHD, always remember to install vents that can distribute deadly neurotoxin just in case something happens. . .
- Do not touch the operation end of a portal gun.
When somebody does a thread for an specific subject and then ALSO brings that same subject up in a totally unrelated thread out of the fucking blue its pretty obvious he doesn’t know how to use a forum properly and WILL be flamed to crisps.
Off topic is allowed in the forums, still, very, very annoying when not done properly
James.Curse’s english grammar is deteriorating rapidly.
thats its fan base are just 13 year old fagots that dont even know the anything about the game Half-Life, or the history of gaming for that matter.
and that people like SwampFox find out about these games. And give them a bad name because of their ignorant, immature, schoolyard behavior.
- Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
This thread if full of Portal haters. If you can’t say anything nice, DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL.
36.lets let it die…
- as a test subject. you’re actualy worth just as much as a lab rat
- homicidal crazy lying robots actualy make good singers
- 1500 megawatt heavy duty super-colliding super button’s may cause some sort of exposure
- android hell is a real place where you will be sent to on the first signs of defiance
- destroying morality cores may be bad for your health
- People who post things they learned from a game in nummerical order, where they take the point of the previous poster and add 1, so there would be a list from 1 to 100, and where in the end, the number would be exactly the amount of points made, can’t count.
41.you are a bad person
42.portals can be used as mirrors as well
43.smooth tiles are a great surface for portals but slightly rougher tiles are no good
The cake is a pie… wait…what?