In Sweden, there are 8 parties in the parliament, either independent or in the “alliance” (a liberal-conservative coalition). These parties are:
V (left party, socialist with some marxist influence)
S (Worker’s party, social democrats)
MP (Green party, social liberals)
SD (Sweden democrats, nationalist)
C (Centre party, liberal)
FP (People’s party, conservative)
M (Moderate party, liberal-conservative)
KD (Christian democrats, conservative)
Sweden is currently being governed by the right wing coalition C, FP, M and KD. Sweden is in a tricky political situation right now, because every party in the parliament is opposed to the newly elected SD, but SD still has an advantage. Despite our government having four parties, it still doesn’t have the majority of the seats in the parliament, and neither does S, V and MP which usually agrees with eachother. SD can just pick a side when voting in the parliament and it will win. That’s why the left wing opposition has to compromise with the right wing when filing bills.
S has been the biggest party in Sweden (in terms of seats in the parliament) since 1914, and have had a very powerful political position in Sweden. Between 1936 and 1976 they didn’t lose any elections at all, in fact, sometimes S alone had the majority of the seats in the parliament, so it didn’t need any support from V (MP didn’t exist then). Later years, the bourgeoise parties have adapted some of S’s notions and have been more successful, 2006 they won the election, and got re-elected in 2010.
I am a social democrat. That doesn’t necessarily mean I always share my opinion with S, just the basic ideology. I think workers should have protection from greedy employers that tries to exploit them. I think people should have the right to free education and healthcare. I think people are of equal value regardless of race, social status, gender etc. I think this should be financed by taxes. But I also believe in compromising, you must sometimes compromise with your enemy to achieve a goal both can agree with to some extent. I believe in monopolised alcohol stores owned by the municipality or state, too keep prices up so that less alcohol is consumed, since alcohol is a big health problem in many countries. I believe in Worker’s unions and that the government should take care of essential infraestructure like hospitals, courts, fire stations, police departments, schools, libraries, buses, trains, roads, museums and so on. I believe in social democracy.