Your favorite Videogame music!

I’ve seen a lot of the good ones already listed. Here is a few I haven’t seen listed yet…

Clive Barker’s Undying
System Shock 2
Lands of Lore; Gaurdians of Destiny

I’m not sure if they can be found on you tube since I hardly ever use it.

Half Life series - Vortal Combat and DA Guitar
DODS - Main Theme Music
Red Alert 3 Uprising - Yuriko’s Tale, Soviet March 2 (soprano version).
Modern Warfare 2 - (This one really made me emotional, seeing DC like that in ruins made me realize all that shit can really happen)



Half Life: Nuclear Mission Jam:

Max Payne 1:

The rest of all the Half Life songs.
And the DOOM songs too…

Keep the thread alive people! ;p

Wow, Modern warfare 2 track
Makes really emotional moment, listen to it EPIC song.

Theme song from MGS3 (the best MG game)

also some SNES side-scroller game where you play as a cyborg and throw a boomerang at enemies, it had amazingly intense music.

Ahhh videogame music… where to start?

If I think of more I’ll update this list or add a post.

Martin O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori crafted some absolutely fantastic music for Halo, there is no doubt about that. Really atmospheric, ambient, not sure how else to put it. It puts you places :slight_smile:

Left 4 Dead theme 2: Chocolate helicopter!!!

Fuck yeah!

I’m surprised the midnight riders haven’t been suggested.

Also the music for dead rising while fighting Adam the clown:

Age of Empires 2 famous theme music:

I completely forgot that Age of Empires1 theme was different:

This brings up so many memories! my first RTS ever…

Great track from Braid.

I absolutely loved the music from Braid. Such a fantastic game. Couldn’t understand all of it, but it was great. :stuck_out_tongue:

IMO Maenam > *

Braid’s story explained

edit: whoops double post.

Bionic Commando Rearmed OST: Power Plant
Pretty fucking awesome.

Mirror’s Edge (Still Alive [Instrumental])
Mass Effect (Uncharted Worlds) - chills…

Megaman II theme

I love all of the music from Braid, but I love Downstream to bits. :3

Bradinsky from Tengen’s version of Tetris (the superior version, no matter what you say).

EDIT: And the Level Up theme. :slight_smile:

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