Halo 1- A decent game. Frustrating level design in places. If you know your way in the game’s arsenal, the MA5B is pretty much the only weapon you’ll ever need. (Or the scoped Magnum.) Vehicles made by humans practically indestructable, making driving missions playable without having to restart fifty times per map. Save system annoying.
Halo 2- A decent game with a ridiculous cliffhanger ending. Better weapon balance than game 1- meaning that the best weapon in the game is now dual wielded Needlers. Magnum was nerfed, but could be dual wielded as well. Liked the Arbiter inclusions, the cloaking device changed up gameplay pace and rewarded some strategy. Multiplayer is ruled by plasma pistol/magnum combo. Vehicle handling got worse, and the warthog can now be destroyed, making driving missions exponentially more frustrating. Save system still annoying.
Halo 3- A under-par, ineffectual plotline, overbloom lighted, nerfed arsenal game with horrid level design in many places. Gun SFX sound grating. Fans hated the Arbiter so he was relegated to sidekick role. The Spartan Laser forever unbalances multiplayer. Every vehicle is a Pinto. Save system still not fixed. Cortana impersonates SHODAN and the Guardian Angel from Borderlands. Save system STILL not fixed.
Halo 3 ODST- Excellent change in pace. Open world stealth action hub world with dynamic patrols and good rewards for exploration. Nathan Fillion in a major and occasionally playable role. A more engaging story than any of it’s predecssors, focused away from the emotionless and generally Doomguy-esque Master Chief, and following some actual characters other than Sargent Johnson and the Arbiter. They weren’t very well rounded ones, but it was an improvement to the formula. Weapons rebalanced, silenced options relegated to the pistol and the SMG. Save system STILL not even LOOKED at.
Halo Reach Beta- Well balanced multiplayer with redeeming features. Jetpacks are relatively useless unless playing against people who can’t be bothered to look up. Controls changed to give people time to get some kills in against more experienced players. (e.g. the first time I ever managed to come away from a round with a positive kill to death ratio in a Halo game.)
Crysis- Intriguing experiment. Level design includes lots of open ground to cover with multiple routes to most objectives. Ruined by driving missions. Wish enemy soldiers could speak Korean on all difficulties by a cvar. Weapon arsenal consistently mediocre. The AKM does most things you need, followed by a sniper rifle for backup. Cloaking Koreans frustrate.