Wolfenstein: The New World Order

Apparently bethsoft is making a re-imagining of wolfenstien 3d (similar to doom to doom 3)

the big story change (who would’ve guessed?) is the fascists won the war and BJ Blazkowicz is tasked with the “impossible counter-strike operation”

Reveal trailer seems hot[/size]

will it be a cod-clone like wolfenstien 2009? or will it be open world-ish like most well-made SP games lately; will it be free of ironsights??[/size]

also, yes that was the statue of liberty getting nuked at 0:48

Nothing’s wrong with ironsights as long as they don’t neuter the hipfire abilities of the weapons.

Being linear doesn’t make it a COD clone either.

All I want is a solid shooter that knows what it is. That’s all I fucking want.

Tonally, that trailer is exactly what I waaaaant.

since the people making this game seem to be real ambitious with the story, one could hope for a good SP experience, MP is fine too, but it shouldnt be the concentration

and not as many people are that open minded about ironsights, especially with shooters that have had legacies in the past

Machine games is making this and they’re formed by ex-Strarbreeze staff, so I think we can be optimistic for something good.

Alright… This game’s going to fucking rock.

Fucking Maxey’d

Also this worries me about future Starbreeze games.

It’s nice to see them trying to bring back wolfenstein again.

I wasn’t a big fan of raven’s sequel to RTCW

apparently the game’s gonna be built on id tech 5 (a.k.a the RAGE/Doom4 engine)

hopfully John Carmack optimized it for pc…
maybe expect mods and/or engine source code???

the hendrix music in that trailer was really off putting

It was already optimized for PC. Rage doesn’t look too advanced because it was made that way, although the engine is capable of much more.

actually, I think it was cool, considering the game is going to take place in the 60’s, might as well give me a reason to listen to Hendrix

I kind of hope they don’t use megatexture for this one, actually. I want to see the engine’s graphical capabilities really being shown off without having to deal with the cons of megatexture.

i downloaded rtcw a lil while ago and its not actually good like i remembered it being

Or use them in smaller spaces on less stuff so the environment variety stays but the hanna barbera effect doesn’t.

maybe we could get some bioshock-esque alternate history going on (as both games are set in alternate-1960’s)

in this wolfenstein, the army is full of mechs (unlike before where mechs were exclusive to hitler)

maybe it could be a wolfenstien “2” kind of thing, as Blazkowicz mentions “returning”
and he has been through lots of cross-dimensional events (and even time travel)

one interesting question is, did Blazkowicz kill Hitler? if he did, then this wolfenstien could have connections with 3d rather than be a complete recton/re-imagining

and lets not forget about the doom crossover where the Cyberdemon vows to haunt his descendents (ie. the doomguy)

This is going to be the real test of whether or not there is a good engine hiding behind all the shit, or if idtech 5 really was just as misconceived as it seems. I’m leaning toward the former, but I hope I’m wrong.

I hope they still have the supernatural stuff. I played it a couple of months back and some of my favorite parts from RTCW were the crypts with undead and all the traps.

Oh, and it needs the flamethrower that chars people too.

That looks seriously fucking cool. I might save the hype for when we actually get gameplay footage though.

Jimi Hendrix is awesome. Nuff said.

As for the alternate history, my prediction is that Blazkowicz did kill Hitler, and that’s precisely WHY, in the new timeline, we lost WWII. Hitler, all things considered, made a HUGE blunder in going after Russia when he did, as well as his general military dealings towards the end of the war and the catastrofuck that was the Battle of the Bulge. If someone had de-posed Hitler early on and someone more competent, perhaps a shrewed military leader, had taken over the reigns, things could have turned out very differently.

So my basic idea for what’s going on is that Blazkowicz was sent back in time to kill Hitler as part of the first mission, but when he comes back to the present he winds up in psycho Nazi-ruled 1960s New York (I think the Statue of Liberty was depicted on fire in a reflection in that trailer). If they decide to go in a route similar to "The Man in the High Castle,"this game is gonna be epic.

Man, I don’t want to be this hyped this early.

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