Why is the HL2 revolver so bad at killing zombies?

I’m sure I can’t be the only one who’s noticed this. You take your magnum, point it right in the middle of the head crab perched atop that darn zombie’s head… And nothing happens. No damage, no flinch, not even a little blood spray effect. Sometimes it takes two or three magnum shots to the head to kill a headcrab zombie, for no clear reason.

Am I crazy? Has anyone else noticed this?

Edit: I completely misspelled ‘the’ in the post title.

Use the shotgun for zombies.

The magnum is only good for shooting scanners and make combine soldiers do backflips.

Works on my machine.

I just feel like using the magnum on zombies is a waste when the shotgun is more efficient for them.

Probably because zombie moves its head constantly and maybe their headcrab’s hitbox is smaller than normal headcrab’s.

In Black Mesa, amongst other mods, you get the shotgun well after the magnum.

So? I thought we were talking about HL2.

Kinda, but headcrab zombies and the magnum are fairly universal.

[COLOR=‘Red’]Removed a couple posts. Please don’t abuse your fellow posters. Let’s try a little live and let live, eh?

I seem to remember using the magnum with great effect against the fast zombies. I guess I haven’t noticed against regular zombies because I never tried, just seemed like a waste. Maybe it does work and something’s just wrong with your installation. Or maybe it’s an error that occurs in certain conditions. I can’t do any testing right now, but for instance, does this happen on every difficulty? Maybe on a higher difficulty or something they gain more resistance to bullets than they should?

Apparently, according to the Episode 2 source code, the magnum actually has a damage bonus vs hunters, specifically because it is perceived as the most powerful gun. Aside from that though, yeah, it wasn’t exactly as useful in HL2 and its episodes as it was in HL1. Probably because HL1 had more bullet-sponge enemies than HL2, which had more rocket-sponge enemies supplemented by waves of normal enemies.

The magnum works great. Your aim is the problem

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.