Whiny complainer

I downloaded and played BM, thought I would vent a little. I did nothing to create or help BM, FWIW:

BM doesn’t follow close enough to the original game. Rooms should be pretty much the same, just better resolution. The enemies you fight should also be pretty much exactly the same. Most areas have tones of elaborate additions and detail that just clutter up the look. I’m looking for nostalgia not a new game. It takes a long time to load each checkpoint, and its mostly this eyecandy BS. Most rooms in halflife I can remember where it is in the game with just a screenshot, but with BM, I’m constantly wondering where am I?

There is way too much dust, light effects and blur. It makes the game nearly unplayable on my machine. I’m building a new one, but it will not be a 3800$ moneypit so there should be a way to turn these “features” off. I mean just busting open a crate releases so much dust it bogs me down. Going through the game I just stopped doing it because it was such a hassle (and missed a lot of ammo, etc). If you can’t create such optional settings, then just build two versions of the game one without those effects and one with. I know some of you are performance mavens, but I’m not interested in spending thousands of dollars every year on hardware.

Why does everything require a crouch-jump? It is so hard to move around in general. when you walk sideways the screen lurches like you’ve turned your head. There is no point for junk like this in a game. If you enjoy finger gymnastics then play a game with Mario in the title. At least BM doesn’t have the up and down, simulated walking that just churns my stomach.

I do not care for hyper-realistic first person shooters. Now I want realistic guns and other weapons, realistic shooting. And I don’t like the cartoon characters in team fortress2, everything should look real. I’m talking about less realism in the consequences and gameplay. My number one complaint is when you get shot, your vision blurs and your body lurches around. It effects lower performance machines and it is just stupid. If I wanted such realism, I’d just go be the next adam lanza. At least BM maintains the suit and the health hitpoints of the original game. In some games with just 2 or 3 hits and you die. Ultimately in real life “just” a flesh wound is debilitating. A bullet passing though your arm, not hitting a bone or major artery would be insanely painfull, life threatening and physically debilitating. This realism in games is a pathetic joke. Such games should have it so once you get shot the first time, then game ends. Then you play a game called rehab for six months while you sit in a bed and heal. A game is for amusement, I want lots of hit points, the point is to go after virtual people and shoot them, not to really experience combat. If it is the point for you then the game makers are really letting you down. You get .001% of actual realism. So stop clogging up my gameplay will BS.

I stopped reading after that.

Wow, been quite a while since we had a “BM should be a 1:1 recreation of HL1” thread.

It’s clear that you took the remake at face value and did not research about all the times it was said that BM would be a reimagining of HL1 in a modern engine, rather than higher res HL: Source.

That said, I’m not going to try to shoot you down over your legit opinion and it seems you got on the BM train rather late, but I thought I’d let you know that BM was never intended as a 1:1 remake of HL1, but rather an attempt at redeveloping HL1 if it was being made by Valve today.

Guess I’ll just shoot down the rest unless I see it as a totally valid complaint (like the crouch-jumping, though I don’t agree that it’s really an issue).

Your issues are your fault. Most of the things you ask to disable are things that they either can’t fix, or would be too time consuming to fix, and would be a severe degradation of the game. If you want to play a computer game, you need hardware that can run a computer game, not ask devs to remove all of their hard work.

I’ve spent $200 on my PC in three years and I can run it fine, and those were on repairs. I’m on equipment from like, 5 years ago.

While I disagree with this stance, there’s a slider in the options to turn that off.

Hardly. It more or less acts as it does in HL2. I believe there is an option to toggle the blur.

On machines from 2004 maybe.

What’s this have to do with anything?

Very little of this thread belongs in the Help/Support board.

You said that BM doesn’t follow close enough to the original game, and then went on to bitch about a number of things - head tilt, crouch jumping - that are exactly as they were in the original game.

When I first played BM, I was very, very impressed by how accurate it was to the original game. Most of the changes that have been made are for the better.

Edit: Also, the mod started out mostly as an HD remake. It’s ridiculous to complain about “eye candy”.

If you wanted a 1:1 Half-Life with higher resolution textures and higher-poly models, why not just reinstall Half-Life and install one of the many HD mods for it? They won’t be nearly as taxing for your computer, either.

Sorry master :frowning:

I sense a troll. Or an idiot. Usually it’s some of both.

The game is not perfect unless they replace all the sounds with HL1 sounds, all the maps with HL1 maps and all the textures with HL1 textures.

Then they just need to replace all the models with HL1 models and then it will be a perfect HL1 remake!

I blame media for continuously calling it a remake.

The intent of Black Mesa was not to recreate Half-Life 1:1 but to remake the game as if Valve had the tools they had to make Half-Life 2 at the time.

If you’re looking for a 1:1 update with “better resolution”, I suggest the DiamonD mod. If you’d like to discuss that mod further, please make a new thread in the appropriate section. Thanks.


Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.