What game(s) did you buy today?

Yesss. Such an obscure gem.

It was 0.99€ on Steam.

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six on GOG, Ace Combat Infinity (free) on PSN, and the other day I got Audiosurf 2.

I almost forgot. Bought Beyond Two Souls last week. Jesus, what a failure of the game designer…

I don’t often buy games but when I do it’s a boxed copy of Goat Simulator.

And I only did that because I’m hungry.


Sniper Elite V2 for FREE from Steam… such a deal, you bet.

Bought Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Platinum Pack Edition for $1. I’ve only done the first mission, but it’s easy to mod the audio and the game is quality enough that I know I’ll be continuing.

Grand Theft Auto IV on PC with EFLC. Any recommended mods?

Freelancer. I hate that moment when you finally max out your character in an RPG - the best fighter, a full rack of Nomad weapons, class 10 shields - and realize you have nothing more to do.

Edit: Thought this was the “what game did you play today” thread.

Tomb Raider on PS3 for €9.99. Been wanting to get it, but the price always put me off. This was too good a deal to pass on.

I bought Shadow Warrior for ten bucks. It’s actually pretty fun. I guess it can get repetitive, but I sure haven’t gotten tired of slicing demons in half and blowing them to bits.

I love a good gore system. [COLOR=‘Black’]Decapitatiooooonnnnnn

I think you’ll really enjoy it. :slight_smile:

Or at least I did/have (not finished yet…).

My impression so far: Lara is the queen of stating the obvious.

Finds Sam’s bag
“Sam must have come this way!”

Finds cold, dusty old fireplace
“This looks abandoned…”

But a pretty good game, but my aiming-skills-with-controller are very rusty, so the wolves at the start are annoying as fuck.

I just got the Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time 3D through the eShop. It’s on sale for $28.

Killing Floor for $20. Have yet to install it.

I just got a Radeon Rewards gift for free games with my graphics card, although I have no idea how to redeem it. Newegg lists it as a separate, digital item that comes with the card, but I guess I might have to wait for the physical item to arrive?

Weird. When I got my new computer, the graphics card shipped with a few paper inserts in the binder for a couple of games- Assassin’s Creed III (redeemed on Uplay), Metro: Last Light (redeemed on Steam), and a few codes for online currency in a couple of free to play games (Hawken, World of Tanks, and Planetside 2).

Yeah, the Newegg page for the offer actually shows scans of an insert, so I’m assuming it’ll just arrive with the package.

They’re handling it really weird, though. They’re actually charging me the $100 for the offer in a separate order than the one with all my stuff in it, but then subtracting the $100 from the latter.

Rayman bundle on gog (Rayman 1+2+3+Origins).

I loved Rayman 2 as a kid, though googling stuff tells me most people found the PS1 version the worst, so that’s interesting.
Never got to play 3, though I remember the TV commercials for it. Origins is just a bonus. :smiley:

Just got myself Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Premium Edition using Steam Wallet credit from selling cards :rolleyes:

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