What game(s) did you buy today?

In the same spirit of the game played thread but for games you’ve just bought.

Today I bought Persona 4 Golden for the PS Vita. It was a completely blind buy and I have not played it yet.

As someone who never played a single game in the entire franchise and does not play jRPGs at all, what’s some good advice you can give me before I dive into the game?

Have a guide handy. The game is quite challenging.


Today i bought a muffler, the hardware to mount and hang it, a rail clamp for my laser, a new fan for my pc, and a bottle of jarritos limon.

Last GAME i bought was spartan assault. Underwhelming nugget of shame but it’s not terrible.

RO2 and rising storm lel

That “lel” fills me with hope.

You wouldn’t even know how many idiots now play RO2 after that giveaway.

And how many of those play it like CoD :frowning:
Well, at least there’s more easy kills for the hardcore folk.

Dark Souls II & Wolfenstein The New Order on Greenman Gaming.

Bought Kotor 2 on the Star Wars Steam sale and pre-ordered Wolfenstein on Green Man Gaming.

Deus Ex - Human Revolution - Director’s Cut from Amazon.com for $6.95.

Bought the Medal of Honor 10th Anniversary Edition at the local markets for $10. It includes Allied Assault, AA: Spearhead, AA: Breakthrough, Pacific Assault: Director’s Edition, Airborne and a 10th Anniversary soundtrack CD. A pretty good find for ten dollars.

I bought the Force Unleashed on steam. It was only like six bucks. Nice Star Wars sale going on right now. Is this game any good? I think it might be, but I didn’t research it very much. Seemed like a deal though.

I already mentioned it in the other thread, but I got the new 3DS Kirby game today.
I love playing as that cute little pink psychopath.

Average game, shit port. Don’t even bother with the sequel.

Bought Castle Crashers to play with some friends.

Yeah, I can tell already it’s a shitty port. It’s pretty fun so far, but nothing spectacular. I feel like this game was over-hyped when it came out.

I wish they gave you real lightsaber in the first one instead of a glorified laser bat.

I just made a pledge for Star Citizen.

I bought an Aurora LN. It’s basically an outer space pickup truck with some Gatling guns and a missile rack bolted on.

Spec-Ops: The Line and this fortnights humble bundle that has SaintsRow 2 and 3. :smiley:

Also, is anyone elses steam game thumbnails playing up in the library? - https://puu.sh/8LAMn/f4d7563f5b.png
Started doing that maybe 3 days ago for no reason.

Rayman PS1 for PS Vita on PSN.

Paid about $2.28.

Blade of Darkness from GOG.com for $1.49

Gifted Isaac + Wrath to a friend.

My birthday present is the gift of giving, I suppose?

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