^ That sequence was completely fucking insane and unrealistic as hell, but damn was it fun.
Doom II.
Team Fortess 2.
I’m still pretty good at this game, and thanks to the fact that the game’s items are all sidegrades, my loadouts are still perfectly valid.
War Thunder for me.
Never thought an 88mm Flak 36 could first shot single shot a Spitfire descending at 5-6 thousand feet a minute at 470 miles per hour.
Anomaly 2,not a substantial upgrade from the 1st one but still damn fun .
Played some Counterstrike GO. Never played any of the other CS games but this is really fun.
CSGO is cool, I like it better than CSS. It seems more…reliable, or consistent, than its predecessor, and less twitchy. I know some “hardcore” CS players don’t like it but that’s really mostly because they don’t like change, and I guess I can’t blame them. It’s a sport to them, and changing the rules of their game would be like changing the rules of basketball or something.
kind of like when they started letting black people play and all the other players had to go home and invent frisbee golf and raquetball
World of Warcraft, and Bioshock Infinite for me today. Once I’ll have free time again, I’ll continue Day of the Tentacle as well.
Playing some of the first Splinter Cell on PS2. Never realized there were Depth of Field blurs for the monocular in this game. That’s some pretty sophisticated shit for 2002-2003.
And that’s on the inferior looking PS2 version, so it says something about the game’s commitment to good visuals.
Tried out Bioshock Infinite. It’s the first game in a long time that gives me nausea. I guess it’s all the floating buildings going up and down.
Have you put the field of view all the way up?
Yes, I never start playing a game without going through all settings thoroughly.
EDIT: Did a little searching around and found out that Bioshock Infinite FOV slider just reduce or add 15% FOV going from 70°. Changed some config and now have 90°, didn’t feel nausea for that half hour I tried after that.
It’s surprisingly feature-consistent with the Gamecube port of the game. However, the sequence with Nikoladze’s office at the Defense Ministry was pretty nerfed. Once I started the file download, the voice over imples they’re putting together a team of men to hit the room where you are. I quickly hide outside by hanging from the window, and a fireteam comes in… consisting of one guy. ONE guy. In Xbox/PC there’s like 3-4 of them.
Also, the Oil Rig mission has an incorrect date stamp for PS2/Gamecube. It says the mission is at 0938hrs (in the morning, basically) but it’s actually taking place at night with a full moon. The Xbox/PC versions had the correct sunrise lighting.
I had a weekend all to myself for the first time in ages, so I spent it getting most of the way through a new Mass Effect run.
Whoever decided I didn’t need to be able to quicksave during combat, by the way, was an ass, especially since enemy snipers and rocket soldiers can one-hit-kill you from your blind spot from way the fuck over on the other side of the battlefield.
Welcome to war
I’m trying desperately not to mainline Mass Effect myself, because I have a final coming up and I need to study.
But just one more checkpoint!
Star Wars: Battlefront 2, I forgot how great it was, and surprisingly people still play online on the PS2 version.
I liked the first one better, myself. More vibrant color palette (SWBF2 was washed-out in comparison, Endor just didn’t feel like Endor), no Jedi units unbalancing things, and the Cloud City map. I loved how you could just take to the skies and blow shit up for a while and almost completely ignore the ground combat.
EDIT: Playing a bit of Persona 3 FES again. This beginning bit where you have to meet Akihiko at the police station is hilarious. I’m just casually strolling through every location BUT the mall where the police station is, checking out points of interest just to troll Junpei. He has a lot of funny dialog reacting to this.