Im telling,people are so inpatient for half-life source,and it.s free so why not just give the original one free for all people who has a source engine game,if you can have a source version of it for free,why not have lower graphic same game for free?
Im telling,spacing and coherency are overrated.if you can just make your post.s barely readable,why put any effort into at al?
I think I just found a riddle to chew upon for awhile. :jizz:
It isrealy 1 on the questons that cant be anserwd bcuz if VLavle maid a game theny shod thy sell it 4 free if they put alota tiem in it. make sourse free 4 every1 and then theyget mony so y?
Half-Life Source is not free. Half-Life 1 is so cheap nowadays that there’s simply no excuse to not have it.
Considering that Black Mesa is a remake of Half-Life, I think it’s a matter of course that we all have the original game anyway.
Why wouldn’t you buy HL, it’s dirt cheap now.
Sorry i don’t know how to do that sign on my keyboard :S
i already have it
So what is your arguement then?
oh well if people think that my idea is dumb then it’s ok then i let go the idea
What sign? The spacebar? You didn’t know how to use the spacebar?
You wanna maybe just go?
i think he means the apostrophe
I thinkess tHATAT HALflife ejFAOISOI and daer399 shs999o:freeman::freeman::freeman::freeman::freeman::freeman::freeman:udls be freeeeee and taa combinee ºª•¶§§¶•ªºª• vortigantt tt ss DURP ¶§∞¢∞§¶gman •ªºª•¶§∞¢:freeman:∞§¶•ªhoe youwef aerre anne idyott2222.
I just realized he said “we should make hl free” and not “valve should make hl free”.
Did they just give the kindergarten some computers?
No-one thinks your idea is dumb because no-one has a clue what your idea IS.
But I got a strong feeling I know what your age is.
that’s not how it works, you made a thread about it now you have to stick to it
Isn’t it obvious, Valve secretly made a deal with the Black Mesa mod devs telling them to not release the game untill Valve releases the new HL2:EP3 w/ a new engine and port it to their new engine. Valve offered them all future games to be released by valve for free as long as they use new engine, but when valve releases the new engine they’ll remove all Source SDK licenses because their “outdated” and “incompatble” with the new Platinum Source(nothing but source with 2 new lines of code) then it’ll force everyone to buy HL2:EP3, and then Valve will become abandoned and move to Valve2 or Valve^2 and release Portal 2 and all their other games under their new company, thus making their contract with the devs invalid. all a part of Gabe Newell’s plan to become rich.