We got Black Mesa on Steam!

Interesting that slender source hasn’t been greenlit.

I’m really happy that Black Mesa got approved earlier on steam than release. Woo! :slight_smile:

Swwwweeeeeeyeyeyeyeeeet! :smiley:

Cant belive it :smiley:

Seems it’s current state isn’t far enough to completion, so Valve perhaps told them, “we’ll call you again when you’ve got more!”

For everyone asking:

You guys know about as much as we do. There’s a lot of talking and figuring out stuff ahead of us before the game actually gets on Steam. We really don’t know exactly how long that will take, so we will all have to wait and see. We’re doing our best, we are as excited about it as you are!

I’m sure he’ll be letting us know a potential date as soon as he’s able to/allowed to.

Congrats to all involved. Fantastic!

Is it still gonna be released on Friday anyways (i know you said greenlight would but affect it, but now that it got accepted is that still the same?)

Great news all! Loving life right now

Congrats! I didn’t expect this so soon.

You made it! Well done guys!!!

Did you at all read what he wrote?

I’d say it’s probably unlikely it will hit steam before friday.
But we’ll just have to wait and see.

Ok i did not notice he changed the 1st post sorry.

Simply awesome!

The only new media people want to see is a download button.

Congrats Devs! What an excellent outcome for so many years of effort, you should all be very proud.

Congratulations and thanks to everybody who contributed :slight_smile:

Very excited to see this, though I am definitely looking forward to a steam release date!

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.