We got Black Mesa on Steam!

Awesome!!! It will probably be close for a friday release on steam?
Not that it matters, torrents will be superfast prolly.

So, will it be ready for download thru Steam on Friday?

Also, did we hit 50% before being Greenlit?

Telling by how steam worded their press release about Greenlit games (First games to be released within the coming MONTHS" I have a feeling Valve will want the full game with Xen for release.

Maybe they can make it so when the full mod is done or something, the version we already have can somehow be converted to accept steam updates etc instead of re downloading?


Earlier than expected. FUCK YEAH. Nice work everyone. :smiley:

No, I’d say they’re just saying that some games will be released soon.

Not that it matters, it’ll still be for download on Friday!

Ehh… I don’t hope so and i don’t think so. The community has been so eager and the hype build such a great anticipation that Valve won’t dare to change the Devs plans and delay it this way, I presume.

Heck yes!
I’m more than proud to be one of these votes! I hope you guys (& gals) can see the amount of support and appreciation that the community has for you after all these years (well, about 7 :smiley: )

Devs! You’re awesome!!! You’ve earned it!!!

Does this mean Steam will crash on Friday, :stuck_out_tongue:

PS. Congrats, also chuffed that all my Greenlight upvotes have also been Greenlit too. :slight_smile:

Great job! Didn’t expect it so soon.

Nice surprise :slight_smile:

What’s the process from here? Will this be available on Steam by the release on Friday, or will we still have to download it from the mirrors?

INCREDIBLE. This is great. Congratulations!!!

By the sounds of things valve needs “time” to get all the games out, but they also mentioned so the devs can finish and release it so maybe BMS can still come out Friday.

Fuck yeah.

PS @JamesKane: forgot to say in last PM - Thank You and Your mad skills for helping me with a coding advice once again!
Too bad I don’t have free time to really check it out.

Fucking glorious! :smiley:

Mission accomplished! All thanks to my one vote… :stuck_out_tongue:

On more serious note - this is just both unbelievable and amazing! :wink:

That’s great news!!!

Really hope this releases on Friday through Steam. If it’s coming out this soon, I don’t want to download the standalone version only to have to download the Steam version a few days later.


I do not see why Valve can make it so steam will detect the 3rd party mod version and convert it to official steam version, it can not be that hard all it has to do is find it on the games list find the files and convert it.

Really great news! Congrats Carlos and devs! I wonder if they maintain all things for friday steam release.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.