Valve listed as an exhibitor for Gamescom 2014

Wonder what they’ll unveil.

Something that nobody wants probably.

Probably steambox stuff.

Ricochet 2 :retard:

But seriously haha it a probably gonna be steambox stuff like Pyro said.

Didn’t something like this happen last year as well?

… and the year before?

Yep, and it turned out to be fake.

Sorry, guys, but at this point, I can’t get excited about something Valve plans to do. I will only get excited about something Valve HAS done. “Rumor has it that Valve will release information about Half Life 3” is not something I take seriously. “Valve provided a release date on Half Life 3” <—THAT’S something to get excited about.

Until that time, however… yawn

Either something steambox/ OS related or a huge dota or tf2 update.

Whatever it is, not something cool.

Could be the virtual headset they are working on.

lol the dota 2 as they call it…

Yeah. Still confused with the choice of the name, I’m assuming its just a placeholder

dota 2 II ?

super virtual dota 4 adventures 3d

oh wait, only nintendo could get away with a title like that

But whatever it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be a lot of stuff no one asked for.

yes, it might be something people want upon mention, but nothing anyone asked for.

no one said half life 3 confirmed? Wow.

Cause none of us give a fuck about it anymore I think haha

noone gives a fuck about HL3 confirmed

We’ve all gone from “omg I want it” to “well maybe we’ll get it eventually.” To “if it happens, I guess I’ll get it. Until then, I guess I’ll play Episode 2 over and over and over and over…”

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.