TRANSPARENCY: Where art thou?

I’ve noticed the transparency for all PNG avatars appears to have disappeared. Is this temporary, or do I have to switch my avatar to… GIF. :fffuuu:

There is a big grey square behind avatars now. The transparency hasn’t actually disappeared.

Yeah, it has, I’ve spoken about this, don’t know whether it’s going to be turned off, or if we are going to be given an option to switch it on/off.

They are strokes aren’t they? All avatars have them, but transparent ones have boxes.

Transparent avatars are for fegs.

Yeah, animated avatars are where it’s at, get with the times.

I’m just staring at yours, Zoid.

Animated? Transparent?


Normal Avs ftw :3

It will be taken care of guys. Sorry for the delay of things.

Avatars of people with pencils up their nose > all.

No biggy. I like how they made steam ID’s intigrated with the forums. If only they would Realease the actual game, though.

Fuck, I thought I was awesome with my animated transparent avatar, and then you drop this bombshell.
Perhaps there is a solution, maybe if I toggled wave directions to the same effect, a user would never be quite sure whether my posts radiate awesome on one page or suck so badly on another.

Anyway, I’m really glad to hear Hubi has this little transparency issue on his radar of fixables.

You want Hubi to release the game? :fffuuu:

It’s all Hubi’s fault that the mod hasn’t been released yet. The devs want to release it now, but Hubi’s all like, “No.” And the devs are like, “Day-yam.” And the cockroaches are like, “fuck u devs” and the devs are like “no u”. And Hubi’s like, “LOL”.

<3 Hubi


What about animated transparent avatars? :hmph:

No, dynamic, animated and transparent avatars are the best because they are unique… because no one has it.

The introduction of the border and the new-user default avatar totally ruined my (late) April fool’s fake stuck-pixel avatar. :’(

Not that anyone would have noticed anyway… Oh well. :frowning:

That’s just the way things are and plus I don’t see what’s wrong with it.

IMO Kerobero > Any avatar ever.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.