TRANSPARENCY: Where art thou?

Even better than:

Oh yeah, forget my previous post. Uffie > *

hmmm, doesn’t unique get its meaning from 1?
Dynamic transparent animated avatars deserve an even better word… Nonique!!!


I am definitely using that instead of “doesn’t exist” from now on.

I think transparency would actually be cool with this new layout, since the avatar is halfway between the gray bar and the black bg.

2nded, normally as long as you matched the background it didn’t make any difference whether you had transparency or not. Transparency would actually be apparent now.

I thought it’d be taken care of by now. Buhmp.

On a separate note, your post count is 404.

Pure Pwnage>all :\
Right ?

yes, but how is that relevant?

But wouldn’t it be bad manners to hack the forum, even for the purpose of improving upon it?

It seems to have worked wonders for the mod. :retard:

And,who is that ?

I’m sure I’m gonna get some comments if I’m wrong on this, but does anyone else think that looks a bit like Emma Watson?

It’s Uffie.

Yeah,she kinda looks like her.

Oh i get it now.I saw that picture in the BMS Forums before,and i just had to ask. :slight_smile: Thanks!

Is it just me or is that really shitty?

It’s you :hmph:



Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.