I think we can all agree all the world wars where terrible, and the gulf war was something retarded, no?
WWII wasn’t all bad, it brought the US into a golden age of political and economic power, but then again 60 million dead is bad. But it also ended Imperialism and the great depression.
The Gulf War, and most military and financial en-devours by the Us over the past 30+ years have been major mistakes. We Usually do more harm than good in the long run.
I think the biggest US foreign Policy fuck up was getting rid of Mohammed Mossadeq, and reinstating the Shah in Iran. Look at the ramifications that had. Now despite fears of “socialism” is replacing a socialist with a tyrant really the smartest thing?
I agree but not just for the US. There have been some major breakthroughs in science because of Melenge, despite his overall dickery.
Most things. Although i think it especially bugs me when spoiled/sheltered white kids say things like “it happened in the past, it doesnt affect me, so why should i care?”
That bugs me too. Sure, some good things happen’d but the bad things overshadow that.
I’m still pretty pissed at the Dutch. When the civil war was raging in Bosnia the Dutch came to Srebrenica to protect the Muslims from the Serbs. But the Muslims had to give all their weapons. They did. When the Serbs attaced the Dutch soldiers fled like the little pussies they were leaving the Muslims tot the wrath of the Serbs.
they funded wars, they never really did a proper job of fighting them.
I’m not sure this statement has any basis in reality. Does anyone really “praise the Soviet Union” aside from Russian senior citizens?
You’d better have a fucking good citation of sources for saying something like that.
We’re traders, not fighters. Although, I still think we shouldn’t get involved in fighting if we know we’re not gonna fight.
Christianity in general. Crusades, witch burnings, repression, stealing, lying. You name it the Vatican has done it.
So Catholicism then, and not Christianity in general.
McCarthyism gets my goat. The fact that the Republican party still views him as a someone other than a confused, angry bigot infuriates me.
Without Christianity, we would be 1000 years more advance with our tech, so yh, religion.
Actually we would be more than 2000 years ahead.
The Holocaust
and Spiderman 3
More like spiderman 1 2 3[color=’#222222’] and 4 but that’s in the future.
Agreed, but Spiderman 1 did have almost 8 seconds of humour!
Spiderman wasn’t that bad.
And this is why I love you soup, thank you Thank you THANK YOU! for knowing that there is indeed a difference between the two. <3
Lol, ta muchly.
Is nobody else seeing this, or is the spelling error preventing people from noticing a post disturbingly supportive of the Nazi Dr. Mengele who was infamous for human experimentation in concentration camps? What the fuck is going on here?