They Hunger remake, anyone?

The suspense has been killing me for weeks, or maybe it’s mole that burrowed it to my rib cage- either way, I’ve dying to know, where in the world is our “They Hunger” remake!? I mean we’ve got Black Mesa which is a remake and that’s been released! And to mention the remakes of Blue Shift, Opposing Forces, and Decay that will be coming within the next 20-70 years! My is this- much like Big the Cat appearing in a another Sonic game and the Waluigi video game- why is our They Hunger remake seeming more and more unlikely to actually happen?:fffuuu:

They were making a sequel, a commercial version in fact, but I think the company went under.

Yeah, I seem to recall Neil Manke fell ill some years ago and neither he nor most of the Black Widow team have been publicly heard from since.

I’d like a remake of one of the best Goldsrc mods of all time
actually, I just realize how awesome would it be if it was made in the same level of awesomeness as Black Mesa

That’s a shame. USS Darkstar and They Hunger are some of my favorite HL1 mods.

may be you should ask at svencoop forum or hezus : he is a member here and a mod there .
they have the source files for maps , then if i were you , i would try to do the port to source with the dude that ported heartofevil
or the one that does the gate2 :

Hi, all!

Sorry, for bothering dead threads, but it is still found in Google, so someone can find it, when looking for They Hunger Source.

Me and my team are currently works on They Hunger Source remake, called “They Hunger Again”. It looks much better (IMHO), than other attempts of remaking this mod (maybe, because we already have some XP in games making.) So, enough of chit-chatting, below you can find links, where you can read more about subj.

Main site -
ModDB page -

If, you have any questions about this mod—you can write me at PM or at ModDB comments.

P.S. As for Black Widow Games: I wrote a letter to BWG some time ago and got a Mail Delivery Failure as result, so they are dead totally.

This kind of necro-post is very much supported here. Thank you for the update!

I’m really glad to see They Hunger getting some love, since it’s one of the best SP mods for Half-Life, and it deserves to be shown to a new generation of players.
Looking forward to future updates!

Ahh, man, I remember They Hunger. Going with how playing Half-Life was like starring in an action movie, playing They Hunger was like starring in a zombie B-movie, and I mean that in the best way possible. I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes.

So thread is still alive (raised like undead :slight_smile:

Yeah, I did not expect that so many people are interested, but even totally dead threads on some forums (where I’m posted) are come to life. This makes me feel happy and gives some strength to finish the mod remake.

I’ll play the mod when it comes out. :slight_smile:

Me too :slight_smile:

Have you played it recently? It hasn’t aged very well. I remember it being really good, too, but then I replayed it in the last year or so, and there are some really baffling game design decisions, most notably really bad enemy placement that makes it almost impossible to avoid taking damage. The final-final boss battle was almost impossible, unless there’s some trick that I’ve really-super-missed every time I played. I couldn’t beat it playing on hard: I literally could not carry enough ammo. You also had all these weapons thrown at you, for some reason, and too many of them were too similar to each other.

That said, it had great moments, too, like the sewer section where the Bullsquid-thing was revealed, and escaping the burning asylum, and revisiting the burned-out asylum complex. It’s overall pretty awesome, but a lot more frustrating than I remembered.

Too bad that the sequel wasn’t finished :frowning:
Still looking forward for this side story mod, though:

I played through it last summer, actually. It hasn’t aged the best in terms of gameplay, true, but the overall experience is still a good one.

It better still have the sniper rifle that’s actually a G36.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.