The Smells of Black Mesa

Have you ever wondered what would the Black Mesa world smell like?[/size]

Hello everyone,
i want to open a simple amusing thread, hopefully it will
get people’s attention because it is realistic and fictitious.

It’s about the Half Life game, or Black Mesa in general.
We all know how the game
feels (more or less, you don’t really want to feel the zombies gutting you :S ) ,
you can forget the taste,
but the smell, that is something which would be interesting.

To all who don’t care:
!“No, this isn’t a request to put a smell option in the game.”!
This thread is about fantasizing the smells of Black Mesa.

To start of:
What do you think how would the train smell at the beginning of the game?
I bet it smelled like coffee, and cologne.

I believe;

A ) You have some very strange fetishes.

B ) You’ve stopped taking your medication.

C ) The drugs you consume are of premium quality.

D ) All of the above.


A ) Nope.

B ) Don’t need any.

C ) Never used, never will.

D ) It’s sad that you added that in the end.

This thread is suppose to be a fun, silly page where you post
what you think about the subject in the first post.

If you don’t care, don’t post.Simple.

This thread smells like someone with too much free time on their hands.

To hell with it.
Lock thread please.


And lies.


I Imagen the smell in the train would be overwhelmed by the smell of the places the tour takes you through.
Fresh open mountain air, toxic waste, air conditioned work floor, gasoline & gun powder.
The train itself I bet it smells like machinery, dull smell, or perhaps new kind of smell with some coffee stains?

ps. fun thread & annoying to see how materialized some peoples reply are.
Well as long as it is humor :smiley:
but it makes one wonder how closed off some are to things that aren’t psychical perceived to the naked eye.
smelling is a sense, no need for meds or drugs.

sorry for replying deeply :s aint:

I’ll allow it for now. But I’m moving it to the Ladies Club since it doesn’t have to do with Black Mesa or its development. Forum rules will still apply to this thread.

Yeeuy I am in the laddies club now :thumbsup:

I have actually been in environments akin to most of Black Mesa. Usually, it is neutral with no overwhelming odor. At times, there are scents of steam treated with volatile chemicals. Some areas will reek of chlorine, but hopefully they receive the necessary amount of ventilation.

Musty corners exist as well, with a tinge of mildew. It is very hard to smell grease, but grease is used everywhere, so there’s always a hint of it (if your nose is sensitive enough). Depending on how close you are to an air-vent, you may pick up other scents, like dust on warm electronics (fan motors, etc.).

Surrounding the cafeteria, you get a lunch-room smell that has dug itself into the walls with forty years of cooking oil and some accidental fires staining the walls with a tinge of smoke. Don’t get me started about areas that allow smoking… they smell like ash on a New Jersey beach.

Anywhere frogs can access will smell like pond-water, especially where it grows stagnant. I have the hydroelectric dam (and areas downstream of it) in mind.

Coffee will show up wherever it is being brewed, as well as desk-like offices. To a lesser-extent, carbonic acid may also be detected wherever soft-drinks are popular. Only in gyms and locker-room areas do cologne and spray-deodorants stand out, unless you are in a hallway or stairwell where somebody walks by with way too much cologne on.

Black Mesa should have a gym, now that I think about it. I suppose the facility is so large that we never had an excuse to pass through it. It smells like your usual gym, with cheesy sweat in the ceiling tiles and industrial carpets [if installed].

Right now, though, I am struggling to find a description for the scent at work that has been following my clothing home. I would describe it as crusty cheese. I have yet to determine the origin of it. I first noticed it in force while standing in the bathroom, so I have very negative associations with it, despite it showing up elsewhere.

I posted it there because i thought it goes there.
I did not mean to abuse any forum rules.

I was curious how would the Xen species blood and flesh smell.Yes, it would probably reek as similar as our,
but maybe it could have some acid in it, or flesh eating enzyme.Man, how bad the smell might be when you
stand in front of a zombie.

Don’t worry. You didn’t. :slight_smile:

I think in the area of offices should smell detergent. But there are also areas of toxic waste that should smell a strong chemical.
That if, should smell like shit Chapter waste treatment.
The zombies of black table, are not dead at all. I do not think stink. Even if they smell blood.
Stinky monsters must be bullsquid and bernacle

I like to imagine that bullsquids smell strongly of ammonia.

Houndeyes, like butter.

Barnacles, like halitosis.

I have no idea what Headcrabs would smell like. Actually, I just got an idea, but it’s not G-rated.

Yes, I think that too

Gordon Freeman did not smell well hahahahahaha in that suit, sweating and going through all those stinking places

Now you try surviving in that environment with all those nasty smells.
I think i would barf every minute or two. <X

Sybill - zombies not dead at all?
-Don’t stink?

They would be the smelliest of them all, with the barnacle in the 2nd place.
How else would you explain all that open gut and flesh?
That it is still fresh? I doubt that.

My opinion of the smells of Xen would be a combination of gym socks, metallic-y copper, and an ashy smell. Not pleasant.

You guessed my non-G-rated expectation of headcrab-stench.

I’d like to tell you what I think the place smells like but I keep focussing on Residue Processing and then I just want to scream and run away.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.