I think my favorite was when he became the Virginator.
Yes we do. :hmph:
bitches don’t know 'bout my sauce mod
Bitches don’t know about my vending machine.
Or I guess they do.
Anyway, security guards and scientists… Are they going to move more inteligently when under attack?
You sir, fail at Internet.
I now realize that no matter what a person is ranked as… (headcrab, vortiguant, cockroach, ect.) they can either be a fail troll or the rare: “intelligent reputable forum member”.
Hello I’m not new to this site but I registered just now because would really like some questions answered.
- I read the web site’s Black Mesa wiki and in it it says this about the Security Guard “In the current stage they are intended to stay stuck with a weapon defined by the mapper.” and “The Security Guards are usually equipped with their standard sidearms, a Glock 17. Sometimes they can be found with better weapons, depending on the place where the player meets them” I know what it says but I would like this to be made clear. Do you actually find SURVIVING security guards with other weapons like the shotgun? Or do you just find better weapons a security guard wouldn’t normally use, by their dead body? 'Cause if it’s the latter than that REALLY sucks.
2.If you haven’t already done so could you make it so that we the community can spawn in security guards and scientists along with the enemies. I don’t know about every body else but i love to make ground wars! I would like to have some Security vs HECU vs Vortigaunt action!
- I will have no complaints about the game if the Black Mesa: Source team does the above. I’m not much for a modding unless you count altering the scale of the battles that take place in hl2. I don’t know how you did the npcs but if their like this (Security Guards/Scientists=npc_citizen) and weaponpickup is disabled by default, It would be very very cool if it could be enable at the player discretion via console.
Could anyone answer or confirm any of this please?
Just discovered that I am new to the site, or at least I must be. I found the site about a week before the newest trailer came out, and I found out the this game was in development years before that.
In The wiki it say one of the things a Security Guard MIGHT spawn with is their Armored vest. Are you telling me your gonna find survivors who were on break or something, and couldn’t find their freaking body armor? Or is Armored vest on the list because Barney Calhoun won’t have any?
Oh yeah! Also, I know some one asked about increasing Security Guard survivability, and I know they with at least try to avoid close combat (unless the have some sort of melee attack, which I highly doubt) and maybe even grenades, like citizens and combine do. The thing is can you guys have them at least make an attempt to avoid the Vortiguant’s devastating ranged attack? Like Trying to get behind something moving around a corner, stuff like that. Can you do that, or is it too dynamic for a nameless character to preform?
about the security guard his Armored Vest supports more shots than a scientist?
How many bullets do you think a white labcoat can take?
Does it have ceramic plates ?
Yes, but they’re quite brittle
With science about 7
you’d have to be as cool as these guys though.
Those guys clearly have science and know how to use it.
an Armored Vest its not made by ceramic plates it
s made by multiple layers of textile material overlapping until it reaches the required thickness; this model prevents penetration of bullet reducing shock it can be used metal tray too for fully protection but it`s not specified
He was JOKING, you joke.
Look on how it`s made on Discovery and you will see that I’m right
It was a joke, he wasn’t being serious about the ceramic plates… jeez luise
Actually there are armored vests that are made with ceramic plates. :hmph:
And yes, I do watch Discovery Channel, so I know you’re wrong.
Ever heard of Dragonskin?