The Security Guards and Scientests

This may be stupid, but I was wondering if you could make the SGs and the Scientests die less… easily, or be more smart as to avoid the onslaught of bees flying at them.
Because that’s always bothering me in Half Life, I get a SG to join me, we go off, and he just stands there and tries to shoot a zombie as it beats him to death in less than five seconds. :meh:

The AI is going to be superior to the AI in HL1, BM uses the Orange Box engine.

Tell me, how long would you survive if a zombie was ripping apart your body with massive sharp claws.

If course, it works both ways… both the scientists and the soldiers and aliens are smarter, so the end result might be the same :lol:

Well that’s a relief.

A bit more than five seconds.

I assume you’re talking from personal experience.

What bugged me was the path-finding in HL1, of course, that will all be solved now.
(I hated when Sci would be shot at by Hecu and he’d spend his last five minutes with his hands in the air walking into a corner asking if his buddy, standing there picking his nose, knows who ate all the doughnuts or something.)

Pathfinding? Where?!

It usually takes more than that for someone to reach climax.

Well I probably wouldn’t just stand there and let him rip me apart

And yet I have seen one Barney take down three HECU by himself. I never had a problem with their toughness.


HL is one of the very few games I’ve played where having an ai directed teammate is more of a help than a hindrance

Me too, I found them quite satisfactory, bar that annoying corridor in Office Complex which none of the NPCs were able to move through without serious bumping about and use key pressing.

Friendly NPCs in Source games try to avoid enemies anyway.

Hornets from the hivehand will not seek friendly targets unless you aim directly at him or her.

I just love the whole randomizing effect for the faces. No more Identical duhexaduplets!

Fewer* Identical duhexaduplets!

In before the first-screenshots-of-the-facemaker-parameters-going-haywire-giving-us-face-that-look-like-molten-blobs-or-even-worse-michael-jackson.

The problem with the security guards seemed to be their ‘draw time’.

By that I mean, the soldiers and zombies don’t have to draw a weapon, they walk right up and start blasting or clawing or what have you.

Security guards do hella damage, but it takes them ages to assess a threat and draw the pistol. Fixing that would fix the problem.

What is a scientest?

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.