The Happy Topic



i used to read a lot, then i got depressed and stopped caring about anything

i’ll probably start reading again soon (for real this time)

i bought an e reader last year and ive been reading shit at a crazy rate since i deffo recommend that its like the best £50 i ever spent

I had a Kindle Fire, but the charging port gave out about a year ago and I haven’t been able to use it since.

I have a huge shelf stuffed with hundreds of good old-fashioned paper books. They smell incredible. Sometimes I like to rub my face all over them.

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ive got hella books but they are basically just a prop to make me look more smarter at this point

The college I go to is filled to the brim with models.

I have like 5 books. They’ve all been destroyed :frowning:

Edit: 7! Never mind haha

Also…how do you post this…happy? What is it?

Ok lets attempt happy, then destroy this topic as its competition to mine

… … … I started working with some one on a rpg maker game, this is epic… … … yeah I don’t do happy. wheres the nuke button.

feeling better every day, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel, etc, i think maybe i wont need therapy for that long

Just won a 50% platinum discount in Warframe through the Login Reward system.

Going to a Legend of Zelda symphony tomorrow, huzzah!

I just bought an air conditioner. Life is good. :smiley:

Daniel, your avatar makes me happy.

Was introduced to A Hat in Time by the Video Games Awesome crew. Looks like it’d be fun to play.

Kicked $40 at it. Loved the art style and the old school gameplay. Can’t wait to try the beta.

Well… I am starting to get my freelancing stuff back on track. I did get a pay raise last week for my reviews on teksocial. Lastly I got some games on the ps1 I was happy about finding! :smiley:

Got my first raised paycheck plus some backdated pay. And holy fuck, almost a third of it was withheld for taxes. Really? Oh well, it’s still a lot more than I usually get. Now I can splurge on some new towels. I haven’t bought new towels since I started college six years ago.

I know I could fix it. But it’s not like anyone sends things to strangers over the internet…

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.