Switch from a PC to a PS4?

I need everyone’s opinion here. Is it cheaper and simpler to switch from a PC to a PS4?

  1. One system compared having to upgrade RAM and video cards
  2. Just insert game and play compared to tweaking game and video card settings
  3. better games??

What do you think??

Can’t get porn on a PS4

For the most part the PS4 is still just plug in & play console, but it is basically just a *nix based PC with low level API access. That also has a drop (how big the drop is will vary) in graphical clarity compared to PC running a GTX 780 Ti or GTX 980. As for better games, well that depends highly on what genres you’re into and if the exclusives are to your liking. Plus console games are significantly more expensive due to the hardware licencing fees publishers have to pay being passed on to the consumer. PS store sales aren’t always has good as Steam sales.

Go with a PC and PS4 if you can.

It depends on what you want. You can get a beefier system if you go the PC route, but you will have a difficult time playing PS4 games on it. If you don’t want to use a computer and there are PS4 games you want to play more, go the PS4 route.

PS4 Might be cheaper as a initial purchase but in the long term the PC will win when you think of the Steam sales and such. Also every game you buy now will be playable in 10 years on your new system. Console games are usually locked to the system. better games was something of the PS2 / GC and XBOX gen. Every new game is also PC and with controller support. If you want good exclusives then buy a Nintendo console.

You also have to factor in whether or not you’ll need to be using a PC for other things. You can probably get by with a less powerful PC (or your current one) for email, word processing, browsing, etc., but these days you can’t really get by without an operable computer of some kind.
The console generation just started a year or so ago, so the PS4 is probably a sound investment if you want to get multiplats and the scant few exclusives that Sony has lined up. (Which as far as I’m concerned means stuff by Naughty Dog, but that’s more of a taste thing, I’m sure.)
One of my roommates has a PS4 and we’ve set it up in the living room - it does make a great entertainment centre, but personally I wouldn’t be caught dead without access to a decent PC as well.

get a ps4 if you don’t like to play your games online for no extra charge, and also hate being able to get any work done on your gaming station, and if you love taking it up the @$$ from $0NY

Also picture clarity! Can’t beat PC with that! And technically you don’t really have to upgrade your RAM or anything that often unless you want to stay absolutely on top of the latest. Otherwise you can just make like a console with one purchase that will show its age eventually but perfectly capable for years.

PC beats it. Open platform, can change parts out easily, etc. Well worth spending $600 to build a cheap new system. A system costing you $1,000 USD can last around 6-8 years depending on the games you play.

Depends on if a PS can still play DvDs…

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