Nice! I might want to try that at some point. Did you make the MP5 model too?
Nah, I just compiled it from a CSS model a long ass time ago.
Slender got old Months ago.
MLP is a conundrum.
Combining a redundant concept with a kids show isn’t exactly entertaining or revitalizing on either behalf of the two concepts when hacked together.
That’s nice, those glass effect!
I used a PS plugin downloaded on a website, it was a trial version if I recall correctly.
The background should be the default plastic wrap effect applied to a thing I created.
Was fooling around in the map editor and ended up making a new menu for Hexen 2, in the vein of Hexen 1’s menu background:
Kraata needs eyes.
God why do I remember that?
You need to make a complete HL2 remake.
No he doesn’t
The White Slivers are the eyes. I just got lazy and didn’t add pupils.
-Unless you’re talking about the tongue; in which case, sir that is a tongue.
Do u still know the name of plugin, have PS myself
Why not?