Seen this fan made trailer before?

Just spotted this one and I thought it was great.

some nice visuals and really fun.

I can see where the inspiration for the crowbar placement in Blck Mesa come from :slight_smile:

I remember that from when it came out. It’s not in-game, the levels, models and everything was imported into 3d studio max to do the trailer there.

I’m not gonna lie. That was awesome. I for one think that if some of those animations were included in Half Life (like the specimen being pushed down the ramp or waking up after being teleported, that kinda stuff) it woulda made Half Life even better. The rest would be too over the top. It looks good in a trailer though.

I remember this being a discussion here before. I still take the stance that those animations on mechanical objects are waayyyy too over exaggerated. Especially on that walker.

The animations for organic objects aren’t bad, though.

Yeah, I always lol at the airlock door.

It’s interesting to watch, but by god I don’t see those animations being very fun gameplay-wise.

someone also threw in the argument that too many animations would be immersion-breaking, because you don’t expect that your virtual artificial limbs move the way they do (it’s another thing for animations like reloading or climbing latters, because you anticipate the action and that it is at least similar to how it’s animated). Still a neat trailer me thinks.

The crystal cart sequence and grabbing his glasses are the best by far.

Yeah but i like the idea of the scientist overalls hands before the HEV suit too. like pushing the button

this guy should animate some scenes for black mesa. especially the apprehension cut scene. Gordon being thrown ino the crusher from the pick up truck.

Yeah. All the mechanical animations just looked extremely wonky and were hard to watch.

Everything else was drop-dead gorgeous. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Gordon interacting with objects, leaning over rails, etc.

Oh, this is the guy behind Dance Fortress. That kinda explains the clunkiness I suppose. Important to note both videos were made prior to 2012.

I think certain animations would look right. Things like vaulting railings would add to immersion, or picking up your glasses after you fall, or picking up weapons for the first time by grabbing them physically, and pushing buttons by actually pushing them. The rest is faaarrr over the top and, as said before, would really ruin immersion completely.

It’s my first time watching that trailer. It was really cool.

I fucking love his cartoony mechanical animations. I want a whole movie and game who’s animation is either done by or directed by this dude.

I mean there was Warsoup but who knows what the fuck happened with that.

I just watched it again, being able to blow the ends of tentacles off with the tau canon is a cool idea also. If the tentacle in the desert returns that is the way to handle it.

I watched this trailer yesterday and It is a trailer that was released about a month after Half Life was released I wonder if anyone knows if that is Kelly Bailey music?

Also the HECU grunt that get’s dragged through the hole in the wall and his leg snaps, where is that scene in the game? Is it a cut scene that never made it?

That’s in Power Up, it’s in the room in the rad silo.

they seriously couldn’t recreate that in black mesa?

I did notice that scene was missing. In its place, it was simply a room with a bullsquid.

If they would achieve all this in Black Mesa, they would make the game more real, even more nice, more fluid…

That would have helped solve a prominent complaint, which was that the HECU seemed too effective against the xen creatures to be convincingly beaten by em in the narrative.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.