Through the Laser Tripmine lies the correct path.

Hmmm… I went that way once (I think). I wonder what I missed.

Ok, here goes.

[goes off to look]

Yes, as you can see from my screenshot, the mine has already been tripped. So I must have gone through there once, at least.

I’ll try again.

[goes off to try]

Ok, I got it. Thanks.

Maybe a reference to the toilet paper dude near the start of the game?

No problem.

Glad I could help.

After 100 times trying i quit. the 3 stompers always kills me they are all in the same line each restart. The bomb killed the first stomper but the second exploive releases it again insteadof shutting down the second stomper.

A pity for my archivements but i have to cheat there is no way i can get past this one :frowning:

Loading a previous save hasn’t solved the problem?

Very unfortunate. On three playthroughs I’ve yet to suffer this bug.

I had it too … I never died so many times in-game nor wanted to die so many times IRL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheating, finally, was like going to heaven.

It’s very simple, you need to get at any side of a wall, and walk by when the piston are comming up, if you try it from the center of the pistons, it will crush you.

just get aside to touch the wall and run like hell when the pistons get up

How do I get past this without getting hurt?

I guess you just need to time it correctly and sprint.

I have an issue of my own. Right after the HEV charger near the beginning, with the dead guard-zambie, both red doors are locked, and the glass isn’t breakable. What do?

You have to go back to where the barnacles are, and in the room with the fire, turn off the gas pipe. Then go back to the room you first started in and climb the ladder up, then go enter the vent.

As for the stompers, I heard there might be a bug with the timing that causes them to go out of sync, possibly making them impassable. My solution to prevent this would just be to not mess around until you get through them. That way they’re still synchronized when you go through, since the level just started.

When the first one goes green, stand next to it, about .1 seconds after they all turn off, sprint forward. It’s very tricky, mistime it and you’ll get burned. I wouldn’t worry about getting burned though, look around carefully, there’s plenty of health and armour in that level.

I figured out the fix. Take off automatic sprint. Assign sprinting key if not already assigned. Then sprint past them.

Are we talking about the 3 stomper things (or 6, depending on how you look at it) on the conveyor belt?

Wasn’t too fond of that bit. I died about 3 times trying to sprint under them. I think part of the issue is that because they have a circular shape, you’re not really in the clear if you just speed through it. I found that I had to run along the right-hand wall, because then you’ll clear the last “circle” more quickly.

It’s timed a bit too aggressively for my liking. If the player understands what they need to do (i.e. sprint through it), it should work the first time. Otherwise, they’ll start trying weird things, like sprinting and ducking or whatnot. It’s not supposed to be a hardcore challenge or anything.

“I’ve been everywhere, man, I’ve been everywhere…” I’ve been all over this conveyor complex, but I just can’t seem to find a way out of it. Cain’t find a door that leads out, or a vent, or a pipe, or anything. I just keep going around and around, walking the floors and corridors and riding the conveyors and getting nowhere. Can you describe the location of the “OUT” for me? Maybe then I’ll have a chance of finding it!

If you can find your way to the tunnel of flames, go through it (in the direction the conveyors are moving), then look to your right and find a laser tripmine.

Go through that tunnel to progress. If you need any more information (or screenshots), let me know. :slight_smile:

Been through that, found my way to the room with water at the bottom, opened the door to the corridor, opened the other doors, explored all the other rooms… and they seem to lead nowhere. I discovered a great deal of real estate, but it all seems to be dead-ends; I wind up running around in circles. I’m obviously missing something, and by now, I’ve been round and round so often that I’m not seeing it with new eyes anymore; I’m probably walking right by it and just not seeing it 'cause I’ve been by it so many times already. Perhaps a more pointed hint, or a screenshot?


1. Go into the laser tripmine tunnel seen in this screenshot.
2. You will approach another laser tripmine and a crushing roller as seen in this screenshot.
3. Don’t get crushed by the roller! Jump over to this conveyor belt instead.
4. Jump back and forth between the conveyor belts until you reach this tunnel.
5. There are two options here. One: jump towards the ladder or two: get shredded by the massive rotating blades. I recommend option number 1.

This should get you out of conveyor belt city. Let me know if you have any other questions. :slight_smile:

VERY much appreciated. Kept falling off the conveyor before being able to make the jump to that last conveyor. Going great now. Thanks again. Wonderful remake, just beautiful!

Glad I could be of assistance. Have fun! :slight_smile:

In the left far back corner there a tall carton. Above it there’s an opening to the platform above. Move a few barrels near the tall carton, get on the carton and lift a barrel to the top of the carton. Climb up and stand on the barrel and hop up to the platform. Avoid the piston platforms completely.

Sorry, I thought you were referring to the three big pistons and vats before the area you are referring to.

Never mind.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.