Remake of Half-life 1 for Xbox 360

What would be awsome is if VALVe made it as a arcade game on xbox live for download. that would be awsome!! :awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

Well, maybe it would be great if you don’t already have Half-Life for the PC…

Otherwise, no.

but no think about it, they could put HL: Deathmatch in it to so theres online and you could have the single player!!! and they could put decay in it so you could play the story with a friend!!! ONLINE!! damn that would be cool

Decay was remade for the PC and supports online.

I’m sure someone who doesn’t have Half-Life 1 and doesn’t have a good enough PC would like an XBLA version.

But personally, I don’t care.

Yeah, I honestly can’t say I’m digging this idea too much. In this day and age, almost every computer is pretty much guaranteed to at least be able to RUN Half Life. If you’re that hung up on using a controller, just plug the 360 controller into your PC, and you’ll be able to use it to play Half Life. Plus there’s a mod that lets you play through Decay online already, so you’re covered on that side too.

If it were free then I’d get it

Not likely to happen.

PS2 =/= XBLA
You sir are, as you say, “fail”

Yeah, lack of sleep does that.

Get some sleep then

No. Games like Half-Life don’t work on consoles of any kind. I own TF2 for 360 and PC and the xbox version just isn’t right. It’s weird… but it doesn’t work.

It would be kinda cool. Although just about everyone on this forum has already played or at least owns the original half life. So pretty much none of us will care.

I’ve got HL1 and HL: S, and I don’t have an xbox… so no, I don’t really care :stuck_out_tongue:

lol HL1 with a PAD… i remember the crappy PS2-version… and we got already everything with the PC version so there’s no need for a 360-conversion.

If they did do anything, they would put it in the next thing like the Orange Box, not by itself.

OP is very unsuccessful troll.

Well, I ran the game in emulator and set up the keyboard bindings so it mimiced how you play it on a PC. Mouse controlling the RIGHT DualSHOCK Analog stick for looking. It was a completely silly experience though.

Besides they have modded the XBOX 360 completely and can run custom software (aka homebrew) so I guess some PS2 emulator will pop up on the XBOX 360 eventually. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


It sounds like a good idea as long as they have co-op and none of that retarded slow framerate, high ping, and missing textures in Synergy
I might have made up the last one

i can has new beta build of pcsx2?

edit: nvm figured it out

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