Got word of this today, this is only a day old se we’ll have to wait to see how it all pans out, but so far, things looks pretty good for a legit PS3 mod.
ahh way cool. :^] how big are ps3 games?? its gonna be a hassle to pirate em but im going 2 because pearl harbour
Does it support installlation of Linux?
Why bother trying to turn your PS3 into something it’s not.
EDIT: This wasn’t directed at Jerry but I guess it applies to that as well.
ha, this whole thing stinks to high hell. Would love to be proved wrong but come on, tool chain over usb? Reading NTFS? Look st the official site and official store, I’ve seem some bogus websites in my time and this one fits the boot.
If you remember, this wasn’t the first mod chip promised for the ps3.
EDIT:Also look st the website source code,
[code] Tips for Elastic layouts
- Since the elastic layouts overall sizing is based on the user’s default fonts size, they are more unpredictable. Used correctly, they are also more accessible for those that need larger fonts size since the line length remains proportionate.
- Sizing of divs in this layout are based on the 100% font size in the body element. If you decrease the text size overall by using a font-size: 80% on the body element or the #container, remember that the entire layout will downsize proportionately. You may want to increase the widths of the various divs to compensate for this.
- If font sizing is changed in differing amounts on each div instead of on the overall design (ie: #sidebar1 is given a 70% font size and #mainContent is given an 85% font size), this will proportionately change each of the divs overall size. You may want to adjust based on your final font sizing.[/code]
All copy pasted from beginner css sites. They are using inline css. and define a doc type twice
Did some more digging, embedded into the video was an original URI to the crappy text to speech file. “\Users\evenshill\Desktop\TEXT.mp3”
I’m just gonna wait until it’s either proven fake or someone posts a rip of the contents of that flash drive so I can test it at my friend’s house.
Ok with that in-mind Why was created and registered jun 30th and created and registered jul 22nd. Thats 22 days after. So the scam site was created and updated (also conveniently included in the who is query) 22 days before the official site went up?
Secondarily I have reason to believe that both sites are created by the same author. Both sites use the exact same version of the exact same javascript in the exact same formatting.
MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
Also I have a seeking suspension that the sites were created by some one named evenshill thanks to a little meta data left behind “\Users\evenshill\Desktop\TEXT.mp3” on
the tripple slash effect seems to be a siginature design in his work and it also appears crossing out the price on the scammer site
Well my work here is done.
EDIT: Dug a little deeper into the meta data and found a little more. Apparently Some one named derek is the man in charge and he had evenshill make the website and graphics for him
“\Users\evenshill\Desktop\derek ps3 chip\”
Wow, this forum really loves a conspiracy theory doesn’t it?
If it works, does it disable regional restrictions on PS2-PS1 games?
Because it’s the only quirk I have with the fucker now.
if you have a ps3 that can play ps2 games you can already load out of region games using a special disk swap. As for the mod chip, they haven’t released any information regarding ps2 playback.
If this is true, then it would be a great way to reduce the longass loading times in Red Dead Redemption.
I can guess how Sony will handle this. Disable USB ports entirely.
Do elaborate
Soo… Is this legit?
Again that only works if you have a launch ps3 with the original ps2 hardware (Emotion Engine)
EDIT: well I was finally able to get some answers from the droves of stupid questions by following some one who has a review unit. Apparently it places the system into debug mode. What this does is allow you to run program code that would normally only be available on a test/development unit. So this does run similar to the way the Pandora battery works. Now the question is, will it be one week or two before sony patches this.
If I had bothered to switch in a bigger HDD into my PS3, I might be interested in this, but I only have like 5 PS3 games anyway, and don’t feel like pirating, so…
sony disabled “other os” option because of security concerns so I guess they don’t hesitate in disabling USB ports this time around.
all in the name of security right? features be damned.
tl;dr SONY is shit and their console is shit too.
I’m a true PC gamer and own no consoles.
and btw. all console games are shit too.
I am a HUGE piracy supporter, but i would not take 1/4 of my hard drive for a 50GB game. I would rather just buy the game then only have 4 PS3 games take up my 320GB HDD. And espcially since i dont like soddering up my consoles…
Maybe when a software hack comes out, but until then, ill just buy the games.
But even then o would have to buy at least 4 320GB HDD for all of my games to fit on it.
Like saivert said,
“I am a true PC gamer”
i really only use my PS3 for blu-ray anyways
You are a moron.
PS3 games may be on a 60GB disc but they dont take up all that space you fool.
Also poorfag and what not, crying about only having a 200GB HDD.