It’s also not rape if you shout surprise first.
Oh good. Maybe those idiots are done trying to force their opinions down other people’s throats.
i ddiddnt mean to post this here hahga
You can’t rape the willing, no matter how hard you try
imagine if a tiny car parked and 30 gay clowns came out and started making out and rubbing pies into they abs and stuff (the gay clowns are fuckin ripped and even as a straight u cant help but admire the beauty of the human form at its peak)
not ripped like in the vulgar parody of a human being bodybuilder kind of way but pefectly proportioned according to the divine ratios inherit in nature.
Hercule… whatever drug it is you are doing: You have to cut back on it. Seriously.
He’s high on life, baby! [COLOR=‘Black’](Or crack.)
I’m embarrassed to say I’m a little surprised at how much support there is concerning the repealing of Prop 8 on a PC game related forum. I underestimated you guys.
Woohoo. Now the rest of America.
We’re all huge faggots actually.
^^^^^^ Thats one of the biggest faggots I have ever seen on the intertubes
The majority of the websites that I’ve been on are actually really supportive of gay rights. Or at least they’ve never said anything negative about it to me.
Yeaaaaah, no. Don’t underestimate the power of stupidity
Ants wage war. So no.
Being brainwashed is a tough thing to reverse.
I’m lucky in the sense that my family presented many different things to me and let me make up my mind about what I wanted to believe.
For instance, when it comes to religion, I consider myself agnostic in the sense that I refuse to make up my mind about whether or not there is a god since there’s no evidence that appeals to me personally that either refutes or supports one’s existence.
EDIT: In case its not clear, I’m calling the fucktards who are against gay rights just because the Bible says so or their parents say so brainwashed.