The Shakespeare of out time.
My theory is that Chell is Caroline’s adopted daughter. That’s why GLaDOS sent her away because she (GLaDOS) knew that Chell would be in danger if she stayed.
“Science” as a proper name?
“Sorry folks, she’s married. To ‘Science!’”
GLaDOS was “doing Science”/“so much Science to do”. The capital “S” as in a name distinguishes it from regular “science”.
Oh I thought it was one of the best endings to a game ever. I really think that Chell’s story is finished (at least for now) and that for Portal 3 there will be a new protagonist.
If there is a Portal 3.
i think there will be a portal 3. probably same time scales between 1 and 2. predominantly multiplayer, maybe GLaDOS decides that testing is not as fun as watching bots kill each other. Blammo 16/32/64 player portal based team death match, capture the companion cube and repulsion gel racing
[Spoiler]. [COLOR=‘Black’]Now that she has many human test subjects I think she is going to do a homicide in Portal 3.[COLOR=‘Black’](Giving the humans weapons and stuff) That would be like sex to her because robots can’t have sex in any other form.
Ratman? Then Valve can make the Companion Cube a talking character! :awesome:
So portal 3: Deathmatch is now entirely possib— wait…
People being forced to fight to the death with Ellen Mclain as the announcer voice…
TF2 was portal 3 the whole time.