Nihilanth's race

Please read this
This half-life story guide looks very accurate.

-----the Overwatch attempt to re-enslave the Vortigaunts, with some success. The Combine’s ultimate purpose is to convert all of humanity into stalkers, and all of the vortigaunts into the slaves they were before Gordon freed them.-----

So does that mean, in HL1, the vortigaunts, Alien Grunts, Controllers were with the COMBINE… Then why did Nihilanth summon Vortiguants, Alien Grunts, and Controllers to fight Gordon :freeman: if they were enemies?!?!?!?!?!?

-----While fighting each other, the humans and Combine also have the threat of Nihilianth’s race. The freed Vortigaunts ally with the rebel forces, wanting revenge against the Combine. The headcrabs, being headcrabs, just attack anyone they can find. Other monsters find their place assaulting both Man and Combine.-----

Revenge? Revenge for being slaves by the Combine and not Nihilanth?

Found this in BMS wiki
-----The Vortigaunt, Vort, or Alien Slave, is a Xenian lifeform which serves as the primary soldier of the Xenian army. It is a brown humanoid creature with mottled skin, three arms and 4 eyes. Vortigaunts are seen wearing “Slave Bracelets” in Half-Life; graphical evidence that they are being enslaved and controlled by the Nihilanth. Vortigaunts tend to attack in groups and also cooperate against enemy forces with Alien Grunts-----



This thread makes me confused.

There is no single “xenian” race and the nihilanth himself could have been controlled by the combine.

Nihilanth said “you’ll never know the truth”. So far he’s right…

Remember vortigaunts know about the gman, and also have power over him (we saw this at the end of half-life 2), so their origin isn’t exactly clear to me. But they were enslaved in the first half-life, fighting for nihilanth

I reckon its unlikely that nihilanth was acting alone, and had some insight about the role of gman and the combine… I can’t wait to find out what it all means

In Half-Life 1 they were enslaved by the Nihilanth. They were slaves, until Gordon killed the Nihilanth. They were free, until the Combine enslaved them, so this means they have been slaves multiple times, but by different races, not only combine.

^ This.

Also the timeline is fanmade and not canon, so you have to take anything you read on there with a bag of salt.

I’m sure that the entire plot line was heavily influenced by Valve’s release cycles. For example, I can imagine that the reason why the Vortiguants turned against the G-Man in Episode One was so that the story can go on, and so that that usual “G-Man congratulates you, puts you to sleep, see you in 10 years” cycle doesn’t go on. Not sure if the concept of Combine even existed back at the time HL1 was being designed.

Oh, by the way: You do know that Nihilanth had those collar things on his hands and legs as well, similar to the shiny green things that the Vortiguants had, meaning that he was also a slave to something/someone. Maybe it WAS the Combine already at the time? We will never know…

Valve has claimed that although the combine hadn’t been designed at the time Nihilanth was still intended to be enslaved by an obscure higher power.

If they enslaved the voertigaunts and , possibly, even Nihilanth… then why didn’t they enslave the alien grunts which are better than the vorts? They could have enslaved Nihilanth’s WHOLE race. ugh… Valve really needs to make a site about the half-life saga themsleves for fan not to be confused anymore

I just think that the nihilianth and the vortigaunts, alien grunt and alien controllers were enslaved for the combine, after that they could just have scaped and nihilianth keep controlling him OR they could just be cooperating with them and the vorts didn’t want to join them and then they were enslaved like Nihilianth and of course all the nihilianth kind (or what seems it race [controllers]) followed it’s king without knowing that of he was enslaved

THINK 'BOUT THAT, RELLY CONFUSING :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you mean, why didn’t they enslave the alien grunts? What makes you think they WEREN’T enslaved?

if the alien grunts are enslaved too like the vorts… then wouldn’t they be like the vorts? Join the rebels? be thankful to gordon for freeing hem?

Wait a minute, i thought that Alien grunts was artificially created synthetic organisms on Xen factories, which we saw in HL chapter Interloper. As for the vorts, they were really enslaved by Nihilanth, whose control them via vortal coils. Me own opinion is that the Agrunts is some kind of bio modification of vortigaunts.

Besides, everybody remember Nihilanth Words:
Their slaves… we are their slaves… we are…


So the mechanical thing that Nihilanth sits on is a SLAVE MACHINE?

and if this is true that Nihilanth and his race are slaves of the combine… then… my questions are answered.

So in HL1… Gordon was already fighting combine?

Well, my theory is that all xen life proceeded from some world that got invaded and controlled by the combine. They where able to get to xen through portal technology or something. When the resonance cascade happened all xen life, including the nihiliath and his slaves, was trying to get to earth.

Once the nihiliath was defeated the combine invaded xen in order to destroy the army there. When they got to xen they discovered Earth, and so, once again, started to invade yet another world.

I think grunts were just mindless drones, they probably just wandered around aimlessly without Nihilanth to teleport them around. Marc Laidlaw seems to think that the controllers simply died out without the Nihilanth so perhaps the same thing happened to the grunts.

The Vorts are smart… Wouldn’t the vorts LEAD them instead of leaving them? If they have joined the rebels… the rebels and THEM would have a greater chance of fighting and winning against the combine.

I’m not very good with grammar… even if it’s my native language.:retard:

Not necessarily. We have good reason to believe the alien grunts were created by the Combine by fusing their technology with vortigaunt physiology. Thus, if they were controlled by the Combine, they would try to prevent the vortigaunts from joining the humans. The vortigaunts and humans may well have fought and destroyed the grunts when the vortigaunts began to live on earth. Besides…at the time the vortigaunts came to live on Earth, the Combine probably hadn’t even arrived yet. It could be that the alien grunts decided they didn’t want to live with humans, and the vorts didn’t make them go because they thought they’d be safe enough on Earth. Or maybe they were all killed in the Seven Hour War. Who knows, really. All we know is they’re not around in HL2…that we know of… :fffuuu:

talkin’ also 'bout agrunts, I think when the vortigaunts get transformed into them they put something in their head that makes them loyal only to the nihilianth so without nihilianth they just were alone trying to enslave again all the vorts they could in Xen and get killed by the vorts and humans on Earth. Also the same for the controllers, but this 1s were only in Xen trying to take the control of the vorts wich didn’t teleported yet and, after it, the combine arrived to Xen, enslaved all they could and killed what they couldn’t enslave like the Agrunts, the Controllers, the Bullsquids… everything less vorts and headcrabs (wich after were put into hedcrab canisters) and then a portal of the nihilianth death made the Combine find a form to get into the earth and attack with synths and gunships and winning the war with 7 hours enslaving the Humans and some Vortigaunts

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.