Meh, I don’t much care. Considering that Epic devs primarily for consoles now it will probably all be outdated by the time people make use of it.
The character was more impressive than the engine, who IS that guy?!
Looks worse than Cry3 real time… once you take away the physics, and light ray scattering and cinematic effects- but take into mind again that this wasn’t a real time tech demo, it was all prerendered.
Meh, any engine with fancy lighting can look nice with good post-processing effects and high quality assets.
Um am I missing something? From what I’ve read this IS real-time and not pre-rendered, just with set camera movement to make it look better.
That demo was run on a computer with 3 Nvidia 580GTX cards and it was all real time.
Epic used the tech demo as a sort of a render target for what the next gen consoles should strive for.
I love working with the development kit for the Unreal Engine 3. Can’t wait for the new stuff.
Its supposed to be a game engine. Show us something that looks like a game in it, so we can see how it would look in games that use it. If I wanted a movie making engine, I suspect there are far better options available. Not to mention it’s all in the dark, meaning the background can be less detailed and for all we know is from Half-Life.
In short, premade trailers for engines are meaningless. Make a game and then show it off.
It’s a demonstration to show off the newly improved graphics, why bother making a game? They brought in a few artist to make a demo level that featured all the new elements used in the new version of the engine (like Bokeh blur)
Bolteh blur
Exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote it.
Stop being bitter and appreciate art and technology you fucking nerds
It all seems pointless, though. Isn’t the best way to show the abilities of a game engine (especially the dynamic parts) an interactive experience? It’d probably take about the same amount of time and accomplish much more.
an interactive demo implies that the player knows what to look for, which you guys obviously don’t
Yeah, but the people wanting to use the engine do. It seems like better advertising to just release a list of features, have a playable segment that demonstrates these, and let devs see them first hand.
Epic has been doing this kind of engine presentation to potential clients since UE2, I’m very sure they know what they are doing.
I mean, it’s not like they’re having problems selling engine licenses or something.
I’m with Someonerandm. I don’t see the point of a presentation in this format, especially because the big barrier for next-gen games has been, and will always be, smooth animation. Cinematics have looked badass for many years, but gameplay always looks jerky and unrealistic.
I think it nicely shows how a new UE game could look like.
Oh and such tech demos make sense for some people who want to quickly find a feature rich engine.