I think he’s writing Episode 3 now, if he didn’t do it ages ago, and if he’s not doing it “officially” (ie on Valve’s request), I bet he’s just writing it for his own pleasure (I think I read he enjoys writing as much as we enjoy gaming?)
Episode 3 was most likely written a while ago. Even if the sequence of levels has completely changed, the major plot twists and events are most likely the same.
After all this waiting, playing the next Half-Life game better feel like playing Bioshock Infinite ten times at once dammit.
Reminds me of this fan fiction that speculated that Breen was indirectly and consciously allowing the resistance to grow leading to the events of Half Life 2.
Announce it at E3 2013 please… although I think 99% they won’t announce it…
In Gabe we trust… :’(
Valve won’t attend E3. They’ve said that some time ago.
They could have given a trailer to someone else :aah:
GDC > E3 nowadays
and about @BreenGrub:
it seems very likely now that Breen truly is reincarnated into a “host body” (which is very likely a shu’uathoi/advisor, or a infant grub shu’uathoi)
Or maybe he’s “I’m not trolling” kind of trolling us.
- They lie just like anybody else
- They plan to attend a different convention/conference
- They just announce it tomorrow
- I’m just denying reality
I’ve been saying that for a while now. There’s just no other reason for why that snippet of Breen’s conversation about a host body would replay in Episode 1 like that.
Wouldn’t that explosion have killed him?
i think valve dose not need a thing like e3
I think Valve just doesn’t need to announce anything if it’s not ready to be announced.
They have said long time ago, that they changed their marketing strategies of their games to prevent mistakes they did with Portal 2 and Episode 2.
They won’t be at E3. And last year there was a dick who just wrote Valve on their list who will present Half Life 3 and everyone blamed Valve afterwards.
The community and gaming sites loves to troll themselves and then just put the guilty to Valve and complain about them. Sites swim in delicious ad money and don’t care about fans. Fans try everything to troll and shit themselves and the only real loser is Valve.
So it would seem, however remember that Marc said that this was just sort of him writing Breen fan fiction since he loves the character so much. Meaning the story told in these tweets is probably what he envisions happened to Breen, but may not be what we learn in the games (if we learn anything at all, in which case this could be considered the “true” story).
Marc also said he would allow Minerva Metastasis (and anything else the creator contributes to the canon) to be part of half life canon (as long as it didnt defy the bible)
in his words “make up whatever you want”
Breen did say alot of philisophical shit about the Overworld universe (which was originally known as the “Aleph universe” in the infamous hl2 beta/leak universe)
lets not forget that the player may return to xen in the next game (as seen from the 2008 concept art that resurfaced on the day of Meet the Pyro)
He really didn’t say much about it at all. As I’m sure there’s no twitter in the half-life universe, there’s no context for any of the tweets. They could very well be things Breen might have said before the events of HL2, or if he’s alive after it, that doesn’t guarantee we’ll get to see him again.
He was inside a forcefield & descending away from the teleport before the explosion happened. It could go either way really.
@kenny, this. Minerva already contradicts the canon. But just a conspiracy for teh lulz, what IF, the Minerva (character) is in fact Dr. Breen? :retard: