Need new mouse

My mouse broke. I need a new one. Preferably affordable, don’t care if wired/wireless.

Define affordable. Also, what kind of mouse do you typically use?

It’s hard to define affordable because I’m going to be buying locally. Basically a good mid-tier mouse.

If you have an idea, you can search here (it’s in my local currency):

My budget is 500.

Right now I’m using a Rat 5 but my favorite cheap mouse is the Logitech BJ 69, I still have 3 of them. The BJ 58 is also a good gaming mouse for those who are used to real mice (before they got carried away with the ergonomics marketing gimmick).

This is what I use, and I love it. You can customize those buttons on the side and everything, it’s quite useful for multiple tasks. I haven’t checked your local listing though, but it’s on amazon. I’m not sure how shipping fees would be for you

I basically just scrolled down the list in that site until I found the first Logitech mouse under 500 dollars.


Schrute bucks.

Isn’t creating a post for needing a new mouse kinda’ like creating a post for needing a new toothbrush, don’t care if it’s battery operated or not?

mmm… not really?

CPU still has hard time dealing with the fact that mice have no balls now.

I can’t really help; I’m still using my GE mouse and it’s sufficient for what I’m asking from it.

it’s just a rebranded microsoft optical mouse

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