Modern game like Half-Life 2: Episode 2


I am open to suggestions on which game to play, as a reference

I choose Episode 2 of Half-Life 2 series (it has great immersive at-

mosphere, that not even Metro 2033 can keep up to [in my eyes])

, but the game has to have newer graphics. I am tired of looking

on the Internet for the preferred one, and am hoping to get a hint

on the topic here, dear forum-people.

Currently I am playing both Metro 2033 (for the third time), and Half-Life: Episode 2 (first

time, after I have seen some of the walkthrough videos on Youtube). I strongly recommend Metro 2033

to those who like Half-Life 2 series of games.

You don’t need to make your own line breaks, the formatting does that for you.

Anyway, I’m not sure what games to recommend, other than that you check out HL2 mods. There are tons of good ones out there. Try MINERVA: Metastasis as a start.

Thank you very much for good answer!

Well, it depends on that aspect of the game you want : if you want good atmosphere (especially like metro 2033), when you can’t go wrong with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Games, or, if you haven’t played it, when the sequel to Metro 2033 is also a good choice (knowing Russian really improves the experience) . If you want something similar to Half-Life 2’s gameplay ( no heavy reliance on ads or regenerating health) , when Timeshift is also a good variant, as are the Deus Ex and Bioshock series.
A little off topic, if you want something really unique and don’t mind some (or a lot) technical problems and a little “meh” graphics, when I could recomend The Precursors ( knowing Russian, again, as with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. And Metro, is preferable, as english localization, mildly said, is really bad.

sorry to break it to you, but technically any “linear” singleplayer campaign is considered “half life-like”

half life literally set the standard for story-driven and immersive singleplayer games back then (in a time when singleplayer games still had a arcadish structure like doom and quake)

considering this, even the likes of CoD’s campaigns could be “like” half life, albeit they do the job vastly worse

it seems that those recent Russian fps’ (ie. metro, s.t.a.l.k.e.r etc.) are the closest you may get to half life quality in SP games these days
i would also recommend Bioshock and deus ex, but those games are of a different masterpiece (system shock)

it is worth noting that Gaben did playtest Deus Ex 1

I still think this guy is mostly a bot.

I am assuring you, sir, that I am not a bot, nor the bot.

Back to the topic: I have partially completed “S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC” game, and

found it too unbalanced to compare it in any way to “Half-Life 2” series (too

unforgiving in shooting department, and too undetailed). Though “Timeshoft”

might be just it. Thank you, giorgi, for the option!

At least stop posting in a retarded way. You can keeping typing in the textbox as the line breaking is all automatic.

You could play Rage? Single player sci-fi linear fps with some driving bits. Crysis might work too.

O.K., thank you a lot for suggesting “Rage” game, I will buy it.


Not a game “like” “Half-Life 2: Episode 2”, but still very atmospheric:

“Grand Theft Auto: Vice City”. Currently playing it, very relaxing (though I find the criminal

elements in it not good in the way of how they might sway the morals of the players).

What’s your first language?

I really live in Bellevue, WA, U.S.A., but I have never seen Mr. Gabe Newell in person, only on the Internet.

However, I have seen once Sir Bill Gates, in a Wallmart supermarket, in 2013. I thought he would be a lot

shorter, and less masculine, but it turned out otherwise (after all, he is mighty known).

It’s like another person replied for him just now.

What are you talking about? Where in a world are you living (currently)?

My first language is portuguese. I once saw Cristiano Ronaldo in my bathroom and he asked me for toilet paper. He’s shorter and more effeminate than you’d think.

O.K., my first language is Russian, but I am a U.S. citizen.

A very good game is “Max Payne 2” (to me it resembles the Episode 2 in the depth of the atmosphere

department), but unfortunately it does not work under Windows 7 (at least for me).

Also, I was not kidding when I wrote that I saw the Bill Gates (he was in the frozen food department with

a tablet PC, doing something [after all, he is on the general board in COSTCO, in the food business as well

as in other ones).


Is there a game that is that detailed (lovingly, I must add) as “Half-Life 2: Episode 2”? I do not see such on the Internet.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.