Personal opinion that really has nothing to do with the direction of the thread:
Consoles are far too expensive for their extremely limited window of visual fidelity, hardware and publishing support, and downright usability (we saw XBox Live go down forever months ago).
Money you spend on the hardware, controllers, and it’s online gaming services can easily add up into the thousands over the course of the console’s life. You never get that back. Not even when you go to buy the next generation of consoles, which will be even more expensive, since companies continues to give barely a passing glance to backwards compatibility. I’ll have all my games run universally, thank you.
No mod support. This is what always has me buying the PC version even if it is a shitty port. I could play through Portal once on a console, or I can learn Hammer and make my own maps, or download and play maps others have made. Patching used to be a big gripe, but that’s mostly over nowadays if you want to pay for an online ‘service’ that in my opinion should be free. This same fact means there are no user created add-ons, no UI tweaks, no trainers or item makers (God did this make Oblivion 10x better). Nothing by the users. At all. Just spoon fed cannon. That can get boring after awhile.
This pretty much constitutes the attitude by pretty much all major media conglomerates in the last decade and a half. You don’t own your software or your hardware (see Sony’s ‘Other OS’ lawsuit) You play what we tell you, how we tell you, when we tell you.
Maybe I’m misguided, or maybe PC gaming is nothing more than a measly attempt to circumvent ‘the man’, but I know this for sure: The PC makes gaming more fun. Try arguing that to your console friends on their message boards. Oh wait.