Max Payne 3

Damnit I want it to come out for PC now

I know. Just 9 more days!

I’ve just finished it - fucking loved it. Had some bastard difficult moments, though (a certain level on a certain canal nearly made me destroy my PS3 in frustration). My own fault playing it through for the first time on Hard, though now I get to do it all over again in Old School Mode (no Last Man Standing aid :fffuuu :slight_smile:

A post on Rockstar’s site by an employee says this week we’ll be getting more info and screenshots of the PC version. This is the first game I’ve really anticipated a lot and of course it has a two week delay on the console I choose to get it on :frowning: . Oh well, all will be right with the world when it’s released.

I have no doubt the PC version will be superior - I can imagine mouse aim will be far superior for certain sections of the game. I’m just far too weak-willed to wait =/

Looks like they’re gonna be rocking the old school on PC. Multiple install discs is pretty funny, either they absolutely suck at compressing the game, or the textures are huge. If its the latter, I can’t wait to put my 2GB VRAM 6950 (converted to semi-6970) to the test. I hope DX11 will have a better implementation than DX:HR though, it looked hardly different. I’m ready for Max’s return. :freeman:

That’s hilarious. I’m not getting it retail though so I don’t have to bother with the discs. I’ve heard many people blaming the large size on crappy compression or lots of HD videos (which makes no sense since all the cutscenes are in engine) but I really can’t imagine that being the case.

The game uses a large variety of high quality assets, including uncompressed sound and higher resolution textures than on consoles.

The high resolution textures has been confirmed but has the sound? That’s just a guess. BF3 had amazing textures as well and it wasn’t this large. I know I sound like a broken record but I want a confirmation of why the game is so large, no matter how good the guesses are :retard: .

GTA IV PC has uncompressed audio and larger textures too, which is why it was twice as big as the 360 version, which only has one disc. I think the PS3 versions of GTA4 and RDR have uncompressed audio too.

As for what makes MP3 so big, I guess it’s because they barely recycles assets from area to area, so they had to make a large list of unique assets for each major chapter.

BF3 may have high-quality assets too but they reuse them a lot from level to level, so they don’t need as many unique variations of them, thus saving a lot of space.

Even though 35 GB is ridiculous, if its that size because they put so much into the game, and not because they didn’t care about properly preparing the PC version, I’ll gladly hand over the 35 GB to experience greatness.

Edit: Still don’t know which version of the PC one I should get, Steam or Retail. I sort of want a physical box, but I also want Steam connectivity which isn’t in the Retail release. On a similiar topic, does anyone think I should get Alan Wake for PC even though I own the Xbox 360 one with all DLC (stopped in-between the epilogue DLCs for some reason). I’m tempted to support Remedy more, but I also want to save money for the eventual WiiU. I’m also propably going to have to spare money for Alan Wake’s American Nightmare on PC. Its funny because I had so many other things to play, that the 1600 MS points I bought are going to probably be used on something else since it came out for PC before I got around to it.

I bet Xbox360 users have to change the disc 3 times during gameplay. :stuck_out_tongue:

The reviews say the shootdodge isn’t that useful in MP3, but from videos it seems very useful. How is it when actually playing?

It’s just not the same without shootdodge, even if it’s not useful I’ll be using it constantly >_>

It might just be cool to look at on easier difficulties but I’m sure it’s useful on hard and above. This will probably be the first game I start out playing on hard. I usually stick to medium.

I always start out on hard unless I’m playing a Call of Duty campaign, because their “hard” mode usually consist of making enemies able to shoot you in the head while facing the other way

It’s very useful. It gives you bullet-time for a few seconds even when your bullet-time is out.

I can’t waits, guise :I

We should all storm Rockstar’s offices and tell them to give us the PC version already.

That sounds very different from “frustratingly ineffective”

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