Make ads load first

So I’ll try to make this make sense, forgive me if it doesn’t but

Sometimes when I load the BMS forums, I want to click on something before the page fully finishes loading (I have 25mbps fiber and use chrome so speed isn’t a problem). The thing is, when I click something, the ad on top then loads and pushes the rest of the page down, which ends up loading something that I didn’t click. This is especially annoying on mobile devices like my iPhone, where I try to load the Tech and Gaming section but instead Raminator’s ladies club loads because the ad pushed everything down right as I clicked.

I’m pretty sure this can be fixed by having the ad load before the rest of the page loads rather than after, hence the thread title, but if this isn’t a problem for anyone else I guess there’s no point in changing anything. Idk, its incredibly annoying to me.

Does the ad intentionally do that? I notice it does it on my pc at home as well.

Allot of ads move shit around on you. I think it is a trick!

It’s also possible to preload a space for the ads so that the page is already formatted before the ad loads…such as beginning the box for the content a specific number of pixels from the top of the viewport.

use firefochs, with ABP

Firefox still is a huge drain on resources.

that happens to me as well… I always go for like the “last page” button in a thread and then end up clicking log off or something when the ad loads…

Add should be put on the bottom of page or someplace else. No one ever uses them anyways.

Chrome is hella faster than firefox. I don’t care if most of its users are hipsters, i like my speed :3

As for OP, just get adblock, and remove the ads entirely.

i have the same problem, i browse the forums regulary on my iPod, and it’s really annoying that the pages suddenly scroll up when i am clicking something…

This, adblock is the answer to all your problems

not if you use iphone/ipod

Use android son.

i have an android phone too + an ipod

Then use the android phone, and smash the ipod with a hammer.

protip: android has adblock


you could just wait for the page to load entirely you know

takes a long time on mobile devices

I’ve been using Chrome for a while now but still have firefox. Recently firefox did an update and the only things I liked about firefox were taken off. Specifically the way they organized their whole top interface blows now. It’s worse than Chrome (But similar to now).

I actually find it funny that firefox implemented a design I saw on Chrome BEFORE firefox.

So what does that tell ya? The Nerds got some catching up to do that’s what. Hipsters FTW!

And it’s nice because AdBlock works just fine in Chrome. So now with the new firefox update they seem equal. It’s just a matter of what icon you want to see on your task bar… Obviously my opinion

If Hubi fixed the issue, I’d even disable Adblock on the forums.

Also, is Adblock Plus in any way better than Adblock? On Chrome.

if you hate when firefox looks like chrome then why would you use chrome instead of firefox? At least it can be tweaked to look like before, you can move every button around and the tabs can be put back near the address bar

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