Make ads load first

I don’t “Hate” that firefox looks like Chrome as you put. The interface is the only thing I liked about firefox anyhow. And I don’t like how they implemented the new design compared to Chrome.

I’ve had issues with Mal-ware linked to firefox. At one point I had Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer and even Netscape on my computer. I ended up getting a nasty trojan that took over all of my browsers except for chrome.

The trojan would let me search on any search engine. However when I clicked on a link of my choice from the results I was redirected to a random scam sales web-site. Chrome was the only Browser not affected.

So it is most likely just in my mind but I feel safer using Chrome and I haven’t had any issues with Chrome at all. I didn’t touch Chrome until that incident because I was close minded about what browser to use. I was a die hard Firefox fan. That was all I used until that pesky trojan bent over all the browsers and fucked 'em right in the ass. Except for Chrome, it stood tall and said NO!

I will give firefox this though. It was consistent in doing one thing all the time on a daily basis… Crashing. Chrome doesn’t, Google makes a better product. What can I say?

They just reused webkit which is the browser inside of steam, safari and on the iphone.


the organization of firefox’s UI is a non-issue since you can change it :expressionless:

so it’s not mature enough to have security issues, while firefox has been the 2nd most popular browser for a while

Opera increases one’s sex appeal. Just saying.

Actually according to this site [url][/url] Firefox has been number 1 since the beginning of 2009.

 And judging by the numbers, Chrome won't be "mature" enough for security issues for a while. That's how it works right? Trojans/Mal-Ware/Spy-ware (whatever) tend to aim for things where the odds are in their favor right?

So minimum security issues with the least amount of problems, better application performance and faster JavaScript processing speed is number 1 in my book. What do you think?

Chrome’s UI is somewhat customizable as well. Even if it wasn’t, do you think google will stand by and allow the competition to out “innovate” them?

Chrome - DERP

i never said chrome wasnt :rolleyes:

Oh, my apologies. I don’t remember saying that you said that but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

your rhetorical question implied that i did, or so i interpreted

Thanks, I appreciate it!

Firefox 4 RC is a lot faster than Firefox 3. It also looks much sexier.

FF4 is faster but still not as fast as Chrome. However, I’ll still use FF, since I’d rather sacrifice some speed for better out of the box features.

I like Chrome and all, but it has little quirks and whatnots that piss me off.

Ram, just beat them with your mighty penis, it’s the only way they’ll learn after all.

It is post loading to prevent the ad tag from slowing the entire page from loading. now it pushes the content because the div tags it in has no height set to it. If I set a height, this shall fix the problem.

Guess what, I fixed it :wink:

Adblock disabled.

   Whoops, I often get carried away with my own opinion. 

           Sorry everyone

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