I don’t “Hate” that firefox looks like Chrome as you put. The interface is the only thing I liked about firefox anyhow. And I don’t like how they implemented the new design compared to Chrome.
I’ve had issues with Mal-ware linked to firefox. At one point I had Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer and even Netscape on my computer. I ended up getting a nasty trojan that took over all of my browsers except for chrome.
The trojan would let me search on any search engine. However when I clicked on a link of my choice from the results I was redirected to a random scam sales web-site. Chrome was the only Browser not affected.
So it is most likely just in my mind but I feel safer using Chrome and I haven’t had any issues with Chrome at all. I didn’t touch Chrome until that incident because I was close minded about what browser to use. I was a die hard Firefox fan. That was all I used until that pesky trojan bent over all the browsers and fucked 'em right in the ass. Except for Chrome, it stood tall and said NO!
I will give firefox this though. It was consistent in doing one thing all the time on a daily basis… Crashing. Chrome doesn’t, Google makes a better product. What can I say?