Been a bit busy at work these last several weeks so slow going on the modeling front. Have spent most of my time learning wallworm so I can compile with that tool and also for stuff later in developement. I happened upon the handtruck prop and noticed a lot of problems with the UV/texture that didn’t make sense or look right. I decompiled the prop and redid the UV and rebuilt a few of the parts. Then textured and compiled it using the above. Well 3 attempts later its finally done (correctly). This is the result.
Also worked some on the console2 model set. Finally got all the designs done. I actually drew those out over the weekend. I combined 5 or so real world machines into these last 2 props.
The hardest part was getting all the details on one shared sheet without any overlapping parts. Got the AOs baked and will try to texture them some time this weekend or the next 2 weeks.