Launch Details Discussion

My lubrificant is all ready waiting in my desk…

I Live Two Hours South of Black Mesa, Arizona.

I’m driving there for the sole intent of Playing Black Mesa in Black Mesa.

Except the Black Mesa Research Facility’s in New Mexico.

Doesn’t contradict his statement - seems to be another.

Ive never been able to enjoy the half life experience like most. Ive played the first game not the two following expansions and that’s about it. I’m currently in college and my moneys all situated with in regards to my payments.

Im not sure how to enter this contest but id love it if you could respond with a message guiding me through the process.

Thank you for taking the time to read this if you come across this message

I’m from Argentina. I have almost no source of income, I’m searching for a work.
A Big Mac costs 30 pesos and I live with less than 1500 pesos monthly.
I couldn’t buy any game in my life because of the overprice (60 dollars a AAA game…don’t make me laugh). Normally I play with friends to subsist.
I’m studying electronic engineering, and I don’t even buy books (thanks for libraries). In my free time I take care of my little sister/demon.
And if I have the orange box, I will make mods for hl2 (I have TF2, and it’s awful…I can’t make cool hl2 maps, :’(). I will try to join the OBM/GD guys if I can. I know how to program and how to use CAD programs, and I have experience making games (with horribly antiquated technology) so I’m up to the task.
So I ask you to give me the orange box. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaseeee.

So around 9:00 AM-ish, a real alien invasion starts. Humanity is forced to fight for its very existence. After 20 something years of fighting, they push back the aliens. Then Gabe Newell appears on the big TV screens around the globe and ushers the words: “Thanks for playing Half-Life 3. Hopefully, it was worth the wait.”

The Black Mesa Compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at all times. :wink:

Must not… can’t resist…

I’m pretty sure this means nothing now but isn’t Team Fortress 2 running on the full version of the orange box 2007 source sdk? With that said then it is free since Valve used the free to play method on it. So technically there’s 2 games you can be getting for free out of this deal for the unfortunate whom haven’t had the chance to try it out. That source sdk confusion should get stickyied if not already. I’m good to go other than a few viruses I need to sweep out of my laptop before I give it a try. :smiley:

I was looking through this forum to find out what was gonna be needed (HDD space/SDK… yadayada) and stumbled upon this. I would love to take you up on this offer and I give you… my life

-it sucks (okay, jk)
I live in a trailer in Detroit, barely scraping by on my minimum wage job at the local Subway. I have no such thing as cable OR internet, I’m actually at a friends house right now, leeching off of him like the leech I am. I know, I know… first world problems. Oh, and the only form of entertainment I have is a few games on my PC that were gifted to me by very generous fellows. Other than that, it’s VHS tapes for me. The meals I have consist of ramen noodles or PB&J sandwiches, maybe a 6 inch sub from work if my boss okays it. I mean, its life, I’m not dead, no one is dying, so I can’t say it really sucks, but it could be better (I hope anyway)… And to not sound like a TOTAL loser, I have myself a gf and a child, both whom I don’t think I could live without. Inb4 what about the kid, she is the first thing that we think of. Bills and food can wait if it has to, but she can’t. Oh god, now that this is typed in front of me, I can see why people always feel sorry for me :confused: ANYWAY, hope this suffices, and I hope me being new doesn’t deter you from considering me.

BTW, can’t wait for BM. Thanks to all you fine people who worked hard on it, I’m anxious to get my hands on it!

I’d imagine a System Requirements page is all that’d be required for most. Just give the Episode 2 reqs and note that the SDK Base '07 is required but free.

Someone has to do one of these when it’s down to 8 hours and 47 minutes

Yay, I’m not the only one!

I thought about taking a similar picture but i forgot, thanks!

Damn I didn’t believe it, when I heard the news on Screwattack. Yes the pic would be more epic than heisenberg’s (awesome show by the way) avatar

Pick-up 6 cases of Red Bull !

Don’t forget to kiss your family goodbye :freeman:
ANd another case of redbull

Hey Hubi, did you think to add a stat tracker to the home page? If so how many people have visited since the announcement? Im sure some people havent bothered looking on the forums.

It’s lame but you can cheat it by changing your system time :wink:

I’ve set it to september 15th and get (404’d for now :stuck_out_tongue: )

Oh, Jesus Christ the shitstorm that is the internet if they had everything up and ready and all it took was a teeny system change.

Not quite. That URL will activate on the exact time that counter hits 0 on the actual launch date. It’s funny, we have logs of users trying to guess where in our CDN service the actual installers for Black Mesa are. Everything will be public based on timed systems on launch. No need to cheat the system :slight_smile:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.