Is Portal 3 a possibility?

I’ve just been thinking about what Valve has in in store for the future, and with Left for Dead 3 and Half-Life 3 (or episode 3) in the works, does anyone think that Portal 3 may be a possibility? And if so, what do you think the plot should be like or might be like? (Sorry if the title was a bit misleading, I couldn’t think of a better one)

Where the fuck is there left to go in Portal? Chell’s out of the facility, she got what she wanted. GlaDOS is content to run her little Aperture kingdom without outside influence. I don’t really see where the story can go.

Not if you plan on Chell being involved. I think leaving GLaDOS as an insane AI constantly testing new ideas until her circuits finally deteriorate with Chell going out and…doing something. I don’t know if the Combine thing is over by then, or what…but I don’t see much potential left in the story unless we end up seeing Chell in HL3.

Which is a total possibility, maybe she’s found refuge with Adrian Shepard. I’d ship that.

Only with a completely different story. No Chell or Glados. Because the same thing for the third time would be an obvious milking of IP and lack of creativity.

No, the Portal 2 ending was perfect. Let the series end on a high note and move to other pastures.

I agree, no more portal. I wouldn’t say no to more puzzle games from Valve tho.

I hear they’re holding onto that F-Stop concept that was originally going to be Portal 2.

It’s still possible to have a series of games in the Portal subuniverse, with or without Chell. Chell could find a band of human/nonhuman rebels and return to the facility. GLaDOS mentions in the final song that she’s counting on Chell just wanting freedom and wanting her gone (hoping she’ll make some new disaster elsewhere). I don’t think she’s expecting Chell to return, which would make the perfect opportunity for a surprise attack (assuming GLaDOS turns off the sensors that detect humans or whatever).

There’s still things that can be done in the Portal subuniverse. HL2: Ep3 would probably satisfy that, though.

The answer is yes.

No game is out of possibility.

It’s a possibility. I just don’t think it’s a good idea.


I like all the characters, but this is best. Just make a game that has a Portal gun, but isn’t Portal. We all know what happens when you milk an IP too much.

Or just keep making DLC for Portal 2. That’d be fine also.

I wouldn’t consider it “milking the IP” if it’s making good progress and advancement with the series, and going a good direction. bscly if it’s consistently good, which is something Valve seems to be good at.

Has Valve ever made a genuinely bad title?

Their first title was actually kinda horrible.

…Half-Life 1? I prey that’s sarcasm. :fffuuu:

It was just a shitty Quake mod/Doom rip-off, what do you want from me?

It’s not like this entire site is dedicated to a remake of that fantastic game or anything.

cough cough Ricochet

Anyway I was thinking that maybe Valve might make a prequel like they originally planned to make instead of Portal 2, I always felt like that would have been cool.

How dare you defile the name of Mario?!?!questionmarkexclamationpointaeiou

In all seriousness, co-op DLC is the best choice, although I’m not sure how much more Valve can do with the story.

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